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    = Diffusion Models Are Real-Time Game Engines =
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    '''Authors:''' Dani Valevski (Google Research), Yaniv Leviathan (Google Research), Moab Arar (Tel Aviv University), Shlomi Fruchter (Google DeepMind)

    <div class="ltx_authors">
    '''ArXiv Link:''' [https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.14837 https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.14837]

    <span class="ltx_creator ltx_role_author"> <span class="ltx_personname">Dani Valevski<br />
    Google Research<br />
    '''Project Website:''' [https://gamengen.github.io/ https://gamengen.github.io]
    &amp;Yaniv Leviathan<span id="footnotex1" class="ltx_note ltx_role_footnotemark"><sup>1</sup><span class="ltx_note_outer"><span class="ltx_note_content"><sup>1</sup><span class="ltx_note_type">footnotemark: </span><span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_note">1</span></span></span></span><br />
    Google Research<br />
    &amp;Moab Arar<span id="footnotex2" class="ltx_note ltx_role_footnotemark"><sup>1</sup><span class="ltx_note_outer"><span class="ltx_note_content"><sup>1</sup><span class="ltx_note_type">footnotemark: </span><span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_note">1</span></span></span></span><br />
    Tel Aviv University<br />
    &amp;Shlomi Fruchter<span id="footnotex3" class="ltx_note ltx_role_footnotemark"><sup>1</sup><span class="ltx_note_outer"><span class="ltx_note_content"><sup>1</sup><span class="ltx_note_type">footnotemark: </span><span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_note">1</span></span></span></span><br />
    Google DeepMind<br />
    </span><span class="ltx_author_notes">Equal contribution.Work done while at Google Research.</span></span>

    ====== Abstract ====== <!--T:4-->
    <div id="abstract" class="ltx_abstract">
    ====== Abstract ======

    We present ''GameNGen'', the first game engine powered entirely by a neural model that enables real-time interaction with a complex environment over long trajectories at high quality. GameNGen can interactively simulate the classic game DOOM at over 20 frames per second on a single TPU. Next frame prediction achieves a PSNR of 29.4, comparable to lossy JPEG compression. Human raters are only slightly better than random chance at distinguishing short clips of the game from clips of the simulation. GameNGen is trained in two phases: (1) an RL-agent learns to play the game and the training sessions are recorded, and (2) a diffusion model is trained to produce the next frame, conditioned on the sequence of past frames and actions. Conditioning augmentations enable stable auto-regressive generation over long trajectories.
    We present ''GameNGen'', the first game engine powered entirely by a neural model that enables real-time interaction with a complex environment over long trajectories at high quality. GameNGen can interactively simulate the classic game DOOM at over 20 frames per second on a single TPU. Next frame prediction achieves a PSNR of 29.4, comparable to lossy JPEG compression. Human raters are only slightly better than random chance at distinguishing short clips of the game from clips of the simulation. GameNGen is trained in two phases: (1) an RL-agent learns to play the game and the training sessions are recorded, and (2) a diffusion model is trained to produce the next frame, conditioned on the sequence of past frames and actions. Conditioning augmentations enable stable auto-regressive generation over long trajectories.

    [[File:./Diffusion%20Models%20Are%20Real-Time%20Game%20Engines_files/teaser.png|frame|none|548x240px|class=ltx_graphics ltx_centering ltx_img_landscape|alt=|caption <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_figure">Figure 1: </span> A human player is playing DOOM on <span id="S0.F1.2.1" class="ltx_text ltx_font_bold">GameNGen</span> at 20 FPS.<br />
    [[File:2408.14837.figure.1.png|center|thumb|800x800px|Figure 1: A human player is playing DOOM on '''GameNGen''' at 20 FPS.]]
    See [https://gamengen.github.io/ https://gamengen.github.io] for demo videos.]]
    See [https://gamengen.github.io/ https://gamengen.github.io] for demo videos.
    <div id="S1" class="section ltx_section">
    == <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_section">1 </span>Introduction ==
    <div id="S1.p1" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">

    Computer games are manually crafted software systems centered around the following ''game loop'': (1) gather user inputs, (2) update the game state, and (3) render it to screen pixels. This game loop, running at high frame rates, creates the illusion of an interactive virtual world for the player. Such game loops are classically run on standard computers, and while there have been many amazing attempts at running games on bespoke hardware (e.g. the iconic game DOOM has been run on kitchen appliances such as a toaster and a microwave, a treadmill, a camera, an iPod, and within the game of Minecraft, to name just a few examples<span id="footnote1" class="ltx_note ltx_role_footnote"><sup>1</sup><span class="ltx_note_outer"><span class="ltx_note_content"><sup>1</sup><span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_note">1</span>See https://www.reddit.com/r/itrunsdoom/</span></span></span>), in all of these cases the hardware is still emulating the manually written game software as-is. Furthermore, while vastly different game engines exist, the game state updates and rendering logic in all are composed of a set of manual rules, programmed or configured by hand.
    == 1 Introduction == <!--T:7-->

    <div id="S1.p2" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    Computer games are manually crafted software systems centered around the following ''game loop'': (1) gather user inputs, (2) update the game state, and (3) render it to screen pixels. This game loop, running at high frame rates, creates the illusion of an interactive virtual world for the player. Such game loops are classically run on standard computers, and while there have been many amazing attempts at running games on bespoke hardware (e.g. the iconic game DOOM has been run on kitchen appliances such as a toaster and a microwave, a treadmill, a camera, an iPod, and within the game of Minecraft, to name just a few examples - See https://www.reddit.com/r/itrunsdoom/), in all of these cases, the hardware is still emulating the manually written game software as-is. Furthermore, while vastly different game engines exist, the game state updates and rendering logic in all are composed of a set of manual rules, programmed or configured by hand.

    In recent years, generative models made significant progress in producing images and videos conditioned on multi-modal inputs, such as text or images. At the forefront of this wave, diffusion models became the de-facto standard in media (i.e. non-language) generation, with works like Dall-E (Ramesh et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib25 2022]), Stable Diffusion (Rombach et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib26 2022]) and Sora (Brooks et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib6 2024]). At a glance, simulating the interactive worlds of video games may seem similar to video generation. However, <span id="S1.p2.1.1" class="ltx_text ltx_font_italic">interactive</span> world simulation is more than just very fast video generation. The requirement to condition on a stream of input actions that is only available throughout the generation breaks some assumptions of existing diffusion model architectures. Notably, it requires generating frames autoregressively which tends to be unstable and leads to sampling divergence (see section [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S3.SS2.SSS1 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">3.2.1</span>]).
    In recent years, generative models made significant progress in producing images and videos conditioned on multi-modal inputs, such as text or images. At the forefront of this wave, diffusion models became the de-facto standard in media (i.e., non-language) generation, with works like Dall-E (Ramesh et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib25 2022]), Stable Diffusion (Rombach et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib26 2022]), and Sora (Brooks et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib6 2024]). At a glance, simulating the interactive worlds of video games may seem similar to video generation. However, ''interactive'' world simulation is more than just very fast video generation. The requirement to condition on a stream of input actions that is only available throughout the generation breaks some assumptions of existing diffusion model architectures. Notably, it requires generating frames autoregressively, which tends to be unstable and leads to sampling divergence (see section [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S3.SS2.SSS1 3.2.1]).

    <div id="S1.p3" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    Several important works (Ha & Schmidhuber, [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib10 2018]; Kim et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib16 2020]; Bruce et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib7 2024]) (see Section [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S6 6]) simulate interactive video games with neural models. Nevertheless, most of these approaches are limited in respect to the complexity of the simulated games, simulation speed, stability over long time periods, or visual quality (see Figure [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S1.F2 2]). It is therefore natural to ask:

    Several important works (Ha &amp; Schmidhuber, [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib10 2018]; Kim et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib16 2020]; Bruce et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib7 2024]) (see Section [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S6 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">6</span>]) simulate interactive video games with neural models. Nevertheless, most of these approaches are limited in respect to the complexity of the simulated games, simulation speed, stability over long time periods, or visual quality (see Figure [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S1.F2 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">2</span>]). It is therefore natural to ask:
    ''Can a neural model running in real-time simulate a complex game at high quality?''

    <div id="S1.p4" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    In this work, we demonstrate that the answer is yes. Specifically, we show that a complex video game, the iconic game DOOM, can be run on a neural network (an augmented version of the open Stable Diffusion v1.4 (Rombach et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib26 2022])), in real-time, while achieving a visual quality comparable to that of the original game. While not an exact simulation, the neural model is able to perform complex game state updates, such as tallying health and ammo, attacking enemies, damaging objects, opening doors, and persisting the game state over long trajectories.
    <span id="S1.p4.1.1" class="ltx_text ltx_font_italic">Can a neural model running in real-time simulate a complex game at high quality?</span>
    <div id="S1.p5" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    In this work we demonstrate that the answer is yes. Specifically, we show that a complex video game, the iconic game DOOM, can be run on a neural network (an augmented version of the open Stable Diffusion v1.4 (Rombach et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib26 2022])), in real-time, while achieving a visual quality comparable to that of the original game. While not an exact simulation, the neural model is able to perform complex game state updates, such as tallying health and ammo, attacking enemies, damaging objects, opening doors, and persist the game state over long trajectories.
    <div id="S1.p6" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">

    GameNGen answers one of the important questions on the road towards a new paradigm for game engines, one where games are automatically generated, similarly to how images and videos are generated by neural models in recent years. Key questions remain, such as how these neural game engines would be trained and how games would be effectively created in the first place, including how to best leverage human inputs. We are nevertheless extremely excited for the possibilities of this new paradigm.
    GameNGen answers one of the important questions on the road towards a new paradigm for game engines, one where games are automatically generated, similarly to how images and videos are generated by neural models in recent years. Key questions remain, such as how these neural game engines would be trained and how games would be effectively created in the first place, including how to best leverage human inputs. We are nevertheless extremely excited for the possibilities of this new paradigm.

    [[File:./Diffusion%20Models%20Are%20Real-Time%20Game%20Engines_files/x1.png|frame|none|761x216px|class=ltx_graphics ltx_centering ltx_img_landscape|alt=|caption <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_figure">Figure 2: </span> <span id="S1.F2.2.1" class="ltx_text ltx_font_bold">GameNGen</span> compared to prior state-of-the-art simulations of DOOM.]]
    [[File:2408.14837.figure.2.png|center|thumb|800x800px|Figure 2: GameNGen compared to prior state-of-the-art simulations of DOOM.]]
    <div id="S2" class="section ltx_section">
    == <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_section">2 </span>Interactive World Simulation ==
    <div id="S2.p1" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    An ''Interactive Environment'' <math display="inline">\mathcal{E}</math> consists of a space of latent states <math display="inline">\mathcal{S}</math>, a space of partial projections of the latent space <math display="inline">\mathcal{O}</math>, a partial projection function <math display="inline">V:{\mathcal{S}\rightarrow\mathcal{O}}</math>, a set of actions <math display="inline">\mathcal{A}</math>, and a transition probability function <math display="inline">p{(\left. s \middle| {a,s^{\prime}} \right.)}</math> such that <math display="inline">{{s,s^{\prime}} \in \mathcal{S}},{a \in \mathcal{A}}</math>.
    <div id="S2.p2" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    For example, in the case of the game DOOM, <math display="inline">\mathcal{S}</math> is the program’s dynamic memory contents, <math display="inline">\mathcal{O}</math> is the rendered screen pixels, <math display="inline">V</math> is the game’s rendering logic, <math display="inline">\mathcal{A}</math> is the set of key presses and mouse movements, and <math display="inline">p</math> is the program’s logic given the player’s input (including any potential non-determinism).
    <div id="S2.p3" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">

    Given an input interactive environment <math display="inline">\mathcal{E}</math>, and an initial state <math display="inline">s_{0} \in \mathcal{S}</math>, an ''Interactive World Simulation'' is a ''simulation distribution function'' <math display="inline">{{{q{(\left. o_{n} \middle| {o_{< n},a_{\leq n}} \right.)}},o_{i}} \in \mathcal{O}},{a_{i} \in \mathcal{A}}</math>. Given a distance metric between observations <math display="inline">D:{{\mathcal{O} \times \mathcal{O}}\rightarrow{\mathbb{R}}}</math>, a ''policy'', i.e. a distribution on agent actions given past actions and observations <math display="inline">\pi{({\left. a_{n} \middle| {o_{< n},a} \right. < n})}</math>, a distribution <math display="inline">S_{0}</math> on initial states, and a distribution <math display="inline">N_{0}</math> on episode lengths, the ''Interactive World Simulation'' objective consists of minimizing <math display="inline">E{({D{(o_{q}^{i},o_{p}^{i})}})}</math> where <math display="inline">n \sim N_{0}</math>, <math display="inline">0 \leq i \leq n</math>, and <math display="inline">{o_{q}^{i} \sim q},{o_{p}^{i} \sim {V{(p)}}}</math> are sampled observations from the environment and the simulation when enacting the agent’s policy <math display="inline">\pi</math>. Importantly, the conditioning actions for these samples are always obtained by the agent interacting with the environment <math display="inline">\mathcal{E}</math>, while the conditioning observations can either be obtained from <math display="inline">\mathcal{E}</math> (the ''teacher forcing objective'') or from the simulation (the ''auto-regressive objective'').
    == 2 Interactive World Simulation == <!--T:15-->

    <div id="S2.p4" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    An ''Interactive Environment'' <math>\mathcal{E}</math> consists of a space of latent states <math>\mathcal{S}</math>, a space of partial projections of the latent space <math>\mathcal{O}</math>, a partial projection function <math>V: \mathcal{S} \rightarrow \mathcal{O}</math>, a set of actions <math>\mathcal{A}</math>, and a transition probability function <math>p \left( s \,|\, a, s^{\prime} \right)</math> such that <math>s, s^{\prime} \in \mathcal{S}, a \in \mathcal{A}</math>.

    We always train our generative model with the teacher forcing objective. Given a simulation distribution function <math display="inline">q</math>, the environment <math display="inline">\mathcal{E}</math> can be simulated by auto-regressively sampling observations.
    For example, in the case of the game DOOM, <math>\mathcal{S}</math> is the program’s dynamic memory contents, <math>\mathcal{O}</math> is the rendered screen pixels, <math>V</math> is the game’s rendering logic, <math>\mathcal{A}</math> is the set of key presses and mouse movements, and <math>p</math> is the program’s logic given the player’s input (including any potential non-determinism).

    Given an input interactive environment <math>\mathcal{E}</math>, and an initial state <math>s_{0} \in \mathcal{S}</math>, an ''Interactive World Simulation'' is a ''simulation distribution function'' <math>q \left( o_{n} \,|\, \{o_{< n}, a_{\leq n}\} \right), \; o_{i} \in \mathcal{O}, \; a_{i} \in \mathcal{A}</math>. Given a distance metric between observations <math>D: \mathcal{O} \times \mathcal{O} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}</math>, a ''policy'', i.e., a distribution on agent actions given past actions and observations <math>\pi \left( a_{n} \,|\, o_{< n}, a_{< n} \right)</math>, a distribution <math>S_{0}</math> on initial states, and a distribution <math>N_{0}</math> on episode lengths, the ''Interactive World Simulation'' objective consists of minimizing <math>E \left( D \left( o_{q}^{i}, o_{p}^{i} \right) \right)</math> where <math>n \sim N_{0}</math>, <math>0 \leq i \leq n</math>, and <math>o_{q}^{i} \sim q, \; o_{p}^{i} \sim V(p)</math> are sampled observations from the environment and the simulation when enacting the agent’s policy <math>\pi</math>. Importantly, the conditioning actions for these samples are always obtained by the agent interacting with the environment <math>\mathcal{E}</math>, while the conditioning observations can either be obtained from <math>\mathcal{E}</math> (the ''teacher forcing objective'') or from the simulation (the ''auto-regressive objective'').

    <div id="S3" class="section ltx_section">
    We always train our generative model with the teacher forcing objective. Given a simulation distribution function <math>q</math>, the environment <math>\mathcal{E}</math> can be simulated by auto-regressively sampling observations.

    == <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_section">3 </span>GameNGen ==
    == 3 GameNGen == <!--T:20-->

    <div id="S3.p1" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    GameNGen (pronounced “game engine”) is a generative diffusion model that learns to simulate the game under the settings of Section [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S2 2]. In order to collect training data for this model, with the teacher forcing objective, we first train a separate model to interact with the environment. The two models (agent and generative) are trained in sequence. The entirety of the agent’s actions and observations corpus <math>\mathcal{T}_{agent}</math> during training is maintained and becomes the training dataset for the generative model in a second stage. See Figure [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S3.F3 3].

    GameNGen (pronounced “game engine”) is a generative diffusion model that learns to simulate the game under the settings of Section [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S2 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">2</span>]. In order to collect training data for this model, with the teacher forcing objective, we first train a separate model to interact with the environment. The two models (agent and generative) are trained in sequence. The entirety of the agent’s actions and observations corpus <math display="inline">\mathcal{T}_{agent}</math> during training is maintained and becomes the training dataset for the generative model in a second stage. See Figure [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S3.F3 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">3</span>].
    [[File:2408.14837.figure.3.png|center|thumb|900x900px|Figure 3: GameNGen method overview. v-prediction details are omitted for brevity.]]

    === 3.1 Data Collection via Agent Play === <!--T:23-->
    [[File:./Diffusion%20Models%20Are%20Real-Time%20Game%20Engines_files/x2.png|frame|none|822x339px|class=ltx_graphics ltx_centering ltx_img_landscape|alt=|caption <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_figure">Figure 3: </span><span id="S3.F3.2.1" class="ltx_text ltx_font_bold">GameNGen</span> method overview. v-prediction details are omitted for brevity.]]

    <div id="S3.SS1" class="section ltx_subsection">
    Our end goal is to have human players interact with our simulation. To that end, the policy <math>\pi</math> as in Section [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S2 2] is that of ''human gameplay''. Since we cannot sample from that directly at scale, we start by approximating it via teaching an automatic agent to play. Unlike a typical RL setup which attempts to maximize game score, our goal is to generate training data which resembles human play, or at least contains enough diverse examples, in a variety of scenarios, to maximize training data efficiency. To that end, we design a simple reward function, which is the only part of our method that is environment-specific (see Appendix [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#A1.SS3 A.3]).

    === <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_subsection">3.1 </span>Data Collection via Agent Play ===
    We record the agent’s training trajectories throughout the entire training process, which includes different skill levels of play. This set of recorded trajectories is our <math>\mathcal{T}_{agent}</math> dataset, used for training the generative model (see Section [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S3.SS2 3.2]).

    <div id="S3.SS1.p1" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    === 3.2 Training the Generative Diffusion Model === <!--T:26-->

    Our end goal is to have human players interact with our simulation. To that end, the policy <math display="inline">\pi</math> as in Section [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S2 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">2</span>] is that of ''human gameplay''. Since we cannot sample from that directly at scale, we start by approximating it via teaching an automatic agent to play. Unlike a typical RL setup which attempts to maximize game score, our goal is to generate training data which resembles human play, or at least contains enough diverse examples, in a variety of scenarios, to maximize training data efficiency. To that end, we design a simple reward function, which is the only part of our method that is environment-specific (see Appendix [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#A1.SS3 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">A.3</span>]).
    We now train a generative diffusion model conditioned on the agent’s trajectories <math>\mathcal{T}_{agent}</math> (actions and observations) collected during the previous stage.

    <div id="S3.SS1.p2" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    We re-purpose a pre-trained text-to-image diffusion model, Stable Diffusion v1.4 (Rombach et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib26 2022]). We condition the model <math>f_{\theta}</math> on trajectories <math>T \sim \mathcal{T}_{agent}</math>, i.e., on a sequence of previous actions <math>a_{< n}</math> and observations (frames) <math>o_{< n}</math> and remove all text conditioning. Specifically, to condition on actions, we simply learn an embedding <math>A_{emb}</math> from each action (e.g., a specific key press) into a single token and replace the cross attention from the text into this encoded actions sequence. In order to condition on observations (i.e., previous frames), we encode them into latent space using the auto-encoder <math>\phi</math> and concatenate them in the latent channels dimension to the noised latents (see Figure [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S3.F3 3]). We also experimented conditioning on these past observations via cross-attention but observed no meaningful improvements.

    We record the agent’s training trajectories throughout the entire training process, which includes different skill levels of play. This set of recorded trajectories is our <math display="inline">\mathcal{T}_{agent}</math> dataset, used for training the generative model (see Section [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S3.SS2 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">3.2</span>]).
    We train the model to minimize the diffusion loss with velocity parameterization (Salimans & Ho, [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib29 2022b]):

    <math>\mathcal{L} = {{\mathbb{E}}_{t,\epsilon,T}\left\lbrack {\|{{v{(\epsilon,x_{0},t)}} - {v_{\theta^{\prime}}{(x_{t},t,{\{{\phi{(o_{i < n})}}\}},{\{{A_{emb}{(a_{i < n})}}\}})}}}\|}_{2}^{2} \right\rbrack}</math> (1)

    <div id="S3.SS2" class="section ltx_subsection">
    where <math>T = {\{ o_{i \leq n},a_{i \leq n}\}} \sim \mathcal{T}_{agent}</math>, <math>x_{0} = {\phi{(o_{n})}}</math>, <math>t \sim {\mathcal{U}{(0,1)}}</math>, <math>\epsilon \sim {\mathcal{N}{(0,\mathbf{I})}}</math>, <math>x_{t} = {{\sqrt{{\overline{\alpha}}_{t}}x_{0}} + {\sqrt{1 - {\overline{\alpha}}_{t}}\epsilon}}</math>, <math>{v{(\epsilon,x_{0},t)}} = {{\sqrt{{\overline{\alpha}}_{t}}\epsilon} - {\sqrt{1 - {\overline{\alpha}}_{t}}x_{0}}}</math>, and <math>v_{\theta^{\prime}}</math> is the v-prediction output of the model <math>f_{\theta}</math>. The noise schedule <math>{\overline{\alpha}}_{t}</math> is linear, similarly to Rombach et al. ([https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib26 2022]).

    === <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_subsection">3.2 </span>Training the Generative Diffusion Model ===
    ==== 3.2.1 Mitigating Auto-Regressive Drift Using Noise Augmentation ==== <!--T:32-->

    <div id="S3.SS2.p1" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    The domain shift between training with teacher-forcing and auto-regressive sampling leads to error accumulation and fast degradation in sample quality, as demonstrated in Figure [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S3.F4 4]. To avoid this divergence due to auto-regressive application of the model, we corrupt context frames by adding a varying amount of Gaussian noise to encoded frames in training time, while providing the noise level as input to the model, following Ho et al. ([https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib13 2021]). To that effect, we sample a noise level <math>\alpha</math> uniformly up to a maximal value, discretize it and learn an embedding for each bucket (see Figure [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S3.F3 3]). This allows the network to correct information sampled in previous frames, and is critical for preserving frame quality over time. During inference, the added noise level can be controlled to maximize quality, although we find that even with no added noise the results are significantly improved. We ablate the impact of this method in section [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S5.SS2.SSS2 5.2.2].

    We now train a generative diffusion model conditioned on the agent’s trajectories <math display="inline">\mathcal{T}_{agent}</math> (actions and observations) collected during the previous stage.
    [[File:2408.14837.figure.4.png|center|thumb|900x900px|Figure 4: Auto-regressive drift. Top: we present every 10th frame of a simple trajectory with 50 frames in which the player is not moving. Quality degrades fast after 20-30 steps. Bottom: the same trajectory with noise augmentation does not suffer from quality degradation.]]

    ==== 3.2.2 Latent Decoder Fine-tuning ==== <!--T:35-->
    <div id="S3.SS2.p2" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">

    We re-purpose a pre-trained text-to-image diffusion model, Stable Diffusion v1.4 (Rombach et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib26 2022]). We condition the model <math display="inline">f_{\theta}</math> on trajectories <math display="inline">T \sim \mathcal{T}_{agent}</math>, i.e. on a sequence of previous actions <math display="inline">a_{< n}</math> and observations (frames) <math display="inline">o_{< n}</math> and remove all text conditioning. Specifically, to condition on actions, we simply learn an embedding <math display="inline">A_{emb}</math> from each action (e.g. a specific key press) into a single token and replace the cross attention from the text into this encoded actions sequence. In order to condition on observations (i.e. previous frames) we encode them into latent space using the auto-encoder <math display="inline">\phi</math> and concatenate them in the latent channels dimension to the noised latents (see Figure [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S3.F3 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">3</span>]). We also experimented conditioning on these past observations via cross-attention but observed no meaningful improvements.
    The pre-trained auto-encoder of Stable Diffusion v1.4, which compresses 8x8 pixel patches into 4 latent channels, results in meaningful artifacts when predicting game frames, which affect small details and particularly the bottom bar HUD (“heads up display”). To leverage the pre-trained knowledge while improving image quality, we train just the decoder of the latent auto-encoder using an MSE loss computed against the target frame pixels. It might be possible to improve quality even further using a perceptual loss such as LPIPS (Zhang et al. ([https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib40 2018])), which we leave to future work. Importantly, note that this fine-tuning process happens completely separately from the U-Net fine-tuning, and that notably the auto-regressive generation isn’t affected by it (we only condition auto-regressively on the latents, not the pixels). Appendix [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#A1.SS2 A.2] shows examples of generations with and without fine-tuning the auto-encoder.

    === 3.3 Inference === <!--T:37-->
    <div id="S3.SS2.p3" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">

    We train the model to minimize the diffusion loss with velocity parameterization (Salimans &amp; Ho, [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib29 2022b]):
    ==== 3.3.1 Setup ==== <!--T:38-->

    <div id="S3.SS2.p4" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    We use DDIM sampling (Song et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib34 2022]). We employ Classifier-Free Guidance (Ho & Salimans, [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib12 2022]) only for the past observations condition <math>o_{< n}</math>. We didn’t find guidance for the past actions condition <math>a_{< n}</math> to improve quality. The weight we use is relatively small (1.5) as larger weights create artifacts which increase due to our auto-regressive sampling.
    | <math display="block">\mathcal{L} = {{\mathbb{E}}_{t,\epsilon,T}\left\lbrack {\|{{v{(\epsilon,x_{0},t)}} - {v_{\theta^{\prime}}{(x_{t},t,{\{{\phi{(o_{i < n})}}\}},{\{{A_{emb}{(a_{i < n})}}\}})}}}\|}_{2}^{2} \right\rbrack}</math>
    | <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_equation ltx_align_right">(1)</span>
    <div id="S3.SS2.p5" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    where <math display="inline">T = {\{ o_{i \leq n},a_{i \leq n}\}} \sim \mathcal{T}_{agent}</math>, <math display="inline">x_{0} = {\phi{(o_{n})}}</math>, <math display="inline">t \sim {\mathcal{U}{(0,1)}}</math>, <math display="inline">\epsilon \sim {\mathcal{N}{(0,\mathbf{I})}}</math>, <math display="inline">x_{t} = {{\sqrt{{\overline{\alpha}}_{t}}x_{0}} + {\sqrt{1 - {\overline{\alpha}}_{t}}\epsilon}}</math>, <math display="inline">{v{(\epsilon,x_{0},t)}} = {{\sqrt{{\overline{\alpha}}_{t}}\epsilon} - {\sqrt{1 - {\overline{\alpha}}_{t}}x_{0}}}</math>, and <math display="inline">v_{\theta^{\prime}}</math> is the v-prediction output of the model <math display="inline">f_{\theta}</math>. The noise schedule <math display="inline">{\overline{\alpha}}_{t}</math> is linear, similarly to Rombach et al. ([https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib26 2022]).
    <div id="S3.SS2.SSS1" class="section ltx_subsubsection">
    ==== <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_subsubsection">3.2.1 </span>Mitigating Auto-Regressive Drift Using Noise Augmentation ====
    <div id="S3.SS2.SSS1.p1" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    The domain shift between training with teacher-forcing and auto-regressive sampling leads to error accumulation and fast degradation in sample quality, as demonstrated in Figure [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S3.F4 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">4</span>]. To avoid this divergence due to auto-regressive application of the model, we corrupt context frames by adding a varying amount of Gaussian noise to encoded frames in training time, while providing the noise level as input to the model, following Ho et al. ([https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib13 2021]). To that effect, we sample a noise level <math display="inline">\alpha</math> uniformly up to a maximal value, discretize it and learn an embedding for each bucket (see Figure [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S3.F3 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">3</span>]). This allows the network to correct information sampled in previous frames, and is critical for preserving frame quality over time. During inference, the added noise level can be controlled to maximize quality, although we find that even with no added noise the results are significantly improved. We ablate the impact of this method in section [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S5.SS2.SSS2 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">5.2.2</span>].
    [[File:./Diffusion%20Models%20Are%20Real-Time%20Game%20Engines_files/noise_aug_ablation_new.png|frame|none|494x158px|class=ltx_graphics ltx_centering ltx_img_landscape|alt=|caption <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_figure">Figure 4: </span><span id="S3.F4.2.1" class="ltx_text ltx_font_bold">Auto-regressive drift.</span> Top: we present every 10th frame of a simple trajectory with 50 frames in which the player is not moving. Quality degrades fast after 20-30 steps. Bottom: the same trajectory with noise augmentation does not suffer from quality degradation.]]
    <div id="S3.SS2.SSS2" class="section ltx_subsubsection">
    ==== <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_subsubsection">3.2.2 </span>Latent Decoder Fine-tuning ====
    <div id="S3.SS2.SSS2.p1" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    The pre-trained auto-encoder of Stable Diffusion v1.4, which compresses 8x8 pixel patches into 4 latent channels, results in meaningful artifacts when predicting game frames, which affect small details and particularly the bottom bar HUD (“heads up display”). To leverage the pre-trained knowledge while improving image quality, we train just the decoder of the latent auto-encoder using an MSE loss computed against the target frame pixels. It might be possible to improve quality even further using a perceptual loss such as LPIPS (Zhang et al. ([https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib40 2018])), which we leave to future work. Importantly, note that this fine tuning process happens completely separately from the U-Net fine-tuning, and that notably the auto-regressive generation isn’t affected by it (we only condition auto-regressively on the latents, not the pixels). Appendix [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#A1.SS2 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">A.2</span>] shows examples of generations with and without fine-tuning the auto-encoder.
    <div id="S3.SS3" class="section ltx_subsection">
    === <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_subsection">3.3 </span>Inference ===
    <div id="S3.SS3.SSS1" class="section ltx_subsubsection">
    ==== <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_subsubsection">3.3.1 </span>Setup ====
    <div id="S3.SS3.SSS1.p1" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    We use DDIM sampling (Song et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib34 2022]). We employ Classifier-Free Guidance (Ho &amp; Salimans, [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib12 2022]) only for the past observations condition <math display="inline">o_{< n}</math>. We didn’t find guidance for the past actions condition <math display="inline">a_{< n}</math> to improve quality. The weight we use is relatively small (1.5) as larger weights create artifacts which increase due to our auto-regressive sampling.
    <div id="S3.SS3.SSS1.p2" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">

    We also experimented with generating 4 samples in parallel and combining the results, with the hope of preventing rare extreme predictions from being accepted and to reduce error accumulation. We experimented both with averaging the samples and with choosing the sample closest to the median. Averaging performed slightly worse than single frame, and choosing the closest to the median performed only negligibly better. Since both increase the hardware requirements to 4 TPUs, we opt to not use them, but note that this might be an interesting area for future work.
    We also experimented with generating 4 samples in parallel and combining the results, with the hope of preventing rare extreme predictions from being accepted and to reduce error accumulation. We experimented both with averaging the samples and with choosing the sample closest to the median. Averaging performed slightly worse than single frame, and choosing the closest to the median performed only negligibly better. Since both increase the hardware requirements to 4 TPUs, we opt to not use them, but note that this might be an interesting area for future work.

    ==== 3.3.2 Denoiser Sampling Steps ==== <!--T:41-->
    <div id="S3.SS3.SSS2" class="section ltx_subsubsection">
    ==== <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_subsubsection">3.3.2 </span>Denoiser Sampling Steps ====
    <div id="S3.SS3.SSS2.p1" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    During inference, we need to run both the U-Net denoiser (for a number of steps) and the auto-encoder. On our hardware configuration (a TPU-v5), a single denoiser step and an evaluation of the auto-encoder both takes 10ms. If we ran our model with a single denoiser step, the minimum total latency possible in our setup would be 20ms per frame, or 50 frames per second. Usually, generative diffusion models, such as Stable Diffusion, don’t produce high quality results with a single denoising step, and instead require dozens of sampling steps to generate a high quality image. Surprisingly, we found that we can robustly simulate DOOM, with only 4 DDIM sampling steps (Song et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib33 2020]). In fact, we observe no degradation in simulation quality when using 4 sampling steps vs 20 steps or more (see Appendix [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#A1.SS4 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">A.4</span>]).

    <div id="S3.SS3.SSS2.p2" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    During inference, we need to run both the U-Net denoiser (for a number of steps) and the auto-encoder. On our hardware configuration (a TPU-v5), a single denoiser step and an evaluation of the auto-encoder both takes 10ms. If we ran our model with a single denoiser step, the minimum total latency possible in our setup would be 20ms per frame, or 50 frames per second. Usually, generative diffusion models, such as Stable Diffusion, don’t produce high quality results with a single denoising step, and instead require dozens of sampling steps to generate a high-quality image. Surprisingly, we found that we can robustly simulate DOOM, with only 4 DDIM sampling steps (Song et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib33 2020]). In fact, we observe no degradation in simulation quality when using 4 sampling steps vs 20 steps or more (see Appendix [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#A1.SS4 A.4]).

    Using just 4 denoising steps leads to a total U-Net cost of 40ms (and total inference cost of 50ms, including the auto encoder) or 20 frames per second. We hypothesize that the negligible impact to quality with few steps in our case stems from a combination of: (1) a constrained images space, and (2) strong conditioning by the previous frames.
    Using just 4 denoising steps leads to a total U-Net cost of 40ms (and total inference cost of 50ms, including the auto encoder) or 20 frames per second. We hypothesize that the negligible impact to quality with few steps in our case stems from a combination of: (1) a constrained images space, and (2) strong conditioning by the previous frames.

    <div id="S3.SS3.SSS2.p3" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    Since we do observe degradation when using just a single sampling step, we also experimented with model distillation similarly to (Yin et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib39 2024]; Wang et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib36 2023]) in the single-step setting. Distillation does help substantially there (allowing us to reach 50 FPS as above), but still comes at some cost to simulation quality, so we opt to use the 4-step version without distillation for our method (see Appendix [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#A1.SS4 A.4]). This is an interesting area for further research.
    Since we do observe degradation when using just a single sampling step, we also experimented with model distillation similarly to (Yin et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib39 2024]; Wang et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib36 2023]) in the single-step setting. Distillation does help substantially there (allowing us to reach 50 FPS as above), but still comes at a some cost to simulation quality, so we opt to use the 4-step version without distillation for our method (see Appendix [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#A1.SS4 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">A.4</span>]). This is an interesting area for further research.
    <div id="S3.SS3.SSS2.p4" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">

    We note that it is trivial to further increase the image generation rate substantially by parallelizing the generation of several frames on additional hardware, similarly to NVidia’s classic SLI Alternate Frame Rendering (AFR) technique. Similarly to AFR, the actual simulation rate would not increase and input lag would not reduce.
    We note that it is trivial to further increase the image generation rate substantially by parallelizing the generation of several frames on additional hardware, similarly to NVidia’s classic SLI Alternate Frame Rendering (AFR) technique. Similarly to AFR, the actual simulation rate would not increase and input lag would not reduce.

    == 4 Experimental Setup == <!--T:46-->
    <div id="S4" class="section ltx_section">
    == <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_section">4 </span>Experimental Setup ==
    <div id="S4.SS1" class="section ltx_subsection">
    === <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_subsection">4.1 </span>Agent Training ===
    <div id="S4.SS1.p1" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    The agent model is trained using PPO (Schulman et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib30 2017]), with a simple CNN as the feature network, following Mnih et al. ([https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib21 2015]). It is trained on CPU using the Stable Baselines 3 infrastructure (Raffin et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib24 2021]). The agent is provided with downscaled versions of the frame images and in-game map, each at resolution 160x120. The agent also has access to the last 32 actions it performed. The feature network computes a representation of size 512 for each image. PPO’s actor and critic are 2-layer MLP heads on top of a concatenation of the outputs of the image feature network and the sequence of past actions. We train the agent to play the game using the Vizdoom environment (Wydmuch et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib37 2019]). We run 8 games in parallel, each with a replay buffer size of 512, a discount factor <math display="inline">\gamma = 0.99</math>, and an entropy coefficient of <math display="inline">0.1</math>. In each iteration, the network is trained using a batch size of 64 for 10 epochs, with a learning rate of 1e-4. We perform a total of 10M environment steps.
    <div id="S4.SS2" class="section ltx_subsection">
    === <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_subsection">4.2 </span>Generative Model Training ===
    <div id="S4.SS2.p1" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">

    We train all simulation models from a pretrained checkpoint of Stable Diffusion 1.4, unfreezing all U-Net parameters. We use a batch size of 128 and a constant learning rate of 2e-5, with the Adafactor optimizer without weight decay (Shazeer &amp; Stern, [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib31 2018]) and gradient clipping of 1.0. We change the diffusion loss parameterization to be v-prediction (Salimans &amp; Ho ([https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib28 2022a]). The context frames condition is dropped with probability 0.1 to allow CFG during inference. We train using 128 TPU-v5e devices with data parallelization. Unless noted otherwise, all results in the paper are after 700,000 training steps. For noise augmentation (Section [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S3.SS2.SSS1 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">3.2.1</span>]), we use a maximal noise level of 0.7, with 10 embedding buckets. We use a batch size of 2,048 for optimizing the latent decoder, other training parameters are identical to those of the denoiser. For training data, we use all trajectories played by the agent during RL training as well as evaluation data during training, unless mentioned otherwise. Overall we generate 900M frames for training. All image frames (during training, inference, and conditioning) are at a resolution of 320x240 padded to 320x256. We use a context length of 64 (i.e. the model is provided its own last 64 predictions as well as the last 64 actions).
    === 4.1 Agent Training === <!--T:47-->

    The agent model is trained using PPO (Schulman et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib30 2017]), with a simple CNN as the feature network, following Mnih et al. ([https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib21 2015]). It is trained on CPU using the Stable Baselines 3 infrastructure (Raffin et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib24 2021]). The agent is provided with downscaled versions of the frame images and in-game map, each at resolution 160x120. The agent also has access to the last 32 actions it performed. The feature network computes a representation of size 512 for each image. PPO’s actor and critic are 2-layer MLP heads on top of a concatenation of the outputs of the image feature network and the sequence of past actions. We train the agent to play the game using the Vizdoom environment (Wydmuch et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib37 2019]). We run 8 games in parallel, each with a replay buffer size of 512, a discount factor <math>\gamma = 0.99</math>, and an entropy coefficient of <math>0.1</math>. In each iteration, the network is trained using a batch size of 64 for 10 epochs, with a learning rate of 1e-4. We perform a total of 10M environment steps.

    === 4.2 Generative Model Training === <!--T:49-->

    <div id="S5" class="section ltx_section">
    We train all simulation models from a pretrained checkpoint of Stable Diffusion 1.4, unfreezing all U-Net parameters. We use a batch size of 128 and a constant learning rate of 2e-5, with the Adafactor optimizer without weight decay (Shazeer & Stern, [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib31 2018]) and gradient clipping of 1.0. We change the diffusion loss parameterization to be v-prediction (Salimans & Ho [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib28 2022a]). The context frames condition is dropped with probability 0.1 to allow CFG during inference. We train using 128 TPU-v5e devices with data parallelization. Unless noted otherwise, all results in the paper are after 700,000 training steps. For noise augmentation (Section [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S3.SS2.SSS1 3.2.1]), we use a maximal noise level of 0.7, with 10 embedding buckets. We use a batch size of 2,048 for optimizing the latent decoder; other training parameters are identical to those of the denoiser. For training data, we use all trajectories played by the agent during RL training as well as evaluation data during training, unless mentioned otherwise. Overall, we generate 900M frames for training. All image frames (during training, inference, and conditioning) are at a resolution of 320x240 padded to 320x256. We use a context length of 64 (i.e., the model is provided its own last 64 predictions as well as the last 64 actions).

    == <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_section">5 </span>Results ==
    == 5 Results == <!--T:51-->

    <div id="S5.SS1" class="section ltx_subsection">
    === 5.1 Simulation Quality === <!--T:52-->
    === <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_subsection">5.1 </span>Simulation Quality ===
    <div id="S5.SS1.p1" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">

    Overall, our method achieves a simulation quality comparable to the original game over long trajectories in terms of image quality. For short trajectories, human raters are only slightly better than random chance at distinguishing between clips of the simulation and the actual game.
    Overall, our method achieves a simulation quality comparable to the original game over long trajectories in terms of image quality. For short trajectories, human raters are only slightly better than random chance at distinguishing between clips of the simulation and the actual game.

    <div id="S5.SS1.p2" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    '''Image Quality.''' We measure LPIPS (Zhang et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib40 2018]) and PSNR using the teacher-forcing setup described in Section [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S2 2], where we sample an initial state and predict a single frame based on a trajectory of ground-truth past observations. When evaluated over a random holdout of 2048 trajectories taken in 5 different levels, our model achieves a PSNR of <math>29.43</math> and an LPIPS of <math>0.249</math>. The PSNR value is similar to lossy JPEG compression with quality settings of 20-30 (Petric & Milinkovic, [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib22 2018]). Figure [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S5.F5 5] shows examples of model predictions and the corresponding ground truth samples.

    <span id="S5.SS1.p2.2.1" class="ltx_text ltx_font_bold">Image Quality.</span> We measure LPIPS (Zhang et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib40 2018]) and PSNR using the teacher-forcing setup described in Section [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S2 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">2</span>], where we sample an initial state and predict a single frame based on a trajectory of ground-truth past observations. When evaluated over a random holdout of 2048 trajectories taken in 5 different levels, our model achieves a PSNR of <math display="inline">29.43</math> and an LPIPS of <math display="inline">0.249</math>. The PSNR value is similar to lossy JPEG compression with quality settings of 20-30 (Petric &amp; Milinkovic, [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib22 2018]). Figure [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S5.F5 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">5</span>] shows examples of model predictions and the corresponding ground truth samples.
    [[File:2408.14837.figure.5.png|center|thumb|900x900px|Figure 5: Model predictions vs. ground truth. Only the last 4 frames of the past observations context are shown.]]

    [[File:./Diffusion%20Models%20Are%20Real-Time%20Game%20Engines_files/x3.png|frame|none|761x342px|class=ltx_graphics ltx_centering ltx_img_landscape|alt=|caption <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_figure">Figure 5: </span><span id="S5.F5.2.1" class="ltx_text ltx_font_bold">Model predictions vs. ground truth</span>. Only the last 4 frames of the past observations context are shown.]]
    '''Video Quality.''' We use the auto-regressive setup described in Section [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S2 2], where we iteratively sample frames following the sequences of actions defined by the ground-truth trajectory, while conditioning the model on its own past predictions. When sampled auto-regressively, the predicted and ground-truth trajectories often diverge after a few steps, mostly due to the accumulation of small amounts of different movement velocities between frames in each trajectory. For that reason, per-frame PSNR and LPIPS values gradually decrease and increase respectively, as can be seen in Figure [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S5.F6 6]. The predicted trajectory is still similar to the actual game in terms of content and image quality, but per-frame metrics are limited in their ability to capture this (see Appendix [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#A1.SS1 A.1] for samples of auto-regressively generated trajectories).

    <div id="S5.SS1.p3" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    [[File:2408.14837.figure.6.1.png|center|thumb|600x600px|Figure 6: Auto-regressive evaluation. PSNR metrics over 64 auto-regressive steps.]]

    <span id="S5.SS1.p3.1.1" class="ltx_text ltx_font_bold">Video Quality.</span> We use the auto-regressive setup described in Section [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S2 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">2</span>], where we iteratively sample frames following the sequences of actions defined by the ground-truth trajectory, while conditioning the model on its own past predictions. When sampled auto-regressively, the predicted and ground-truth trajectories often diverge after a few steps, mostly due to the accumulation of small amounts of different movement velocities between frames in each trajectory. For that reason, per-frame PSNR and LPIPS values gradually decrease and increase respectively, as can be seen in Figure [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S5.F6 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">6</span>]. The predicted trajectory is still similar to the actual game in terms of content and image quality, but per-frame metrics are limited in their ability to capture this (see Appendix [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#A1.SS1 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">A.1</span>] for samples of auto-regressively generated trajectories).
    [[File:2408.14837.figure.6.2.png|center|thumb|600x600px|Figure 6: Auto-regressive evaluation. LPIPS metrics over 64 auto-regressive steps.]]

    <div id="S5.SS1.p4" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    We therefore measure the FVD (Unterthiner et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib35 2019]) computed over a random holdout of 512 trajectories, measuring the distance between the predicted and ground truth trajectory distributions, for simulations of length 16 frames (0.8 seconds) and 32 frames (1.6 seconds). For 16 frames, our model obtains an FVD of <math>114.02</math>. For 32 frames, our model obtains an FVD of <math>186.23</math>.

    We therefore measure the FVD (Unterthiner et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib35 2019]) computed over a random holdout of 512 trajectories, measuring the distance between the predicted and ground truth trajectory distributions, for simulations of length 16 frames (0.8 seconds) and 32 frames (1.6 seconds). For 16 frames our model obtains an FVD of <math display="inline">114.02</math>. For 32 frames our model obtains an FVD of <math display="inline">186.23</math>.
    '''Human Evaluation.''' As another measurement of simulation quality, we provided 10 human raters with 130 random short clips (of lengths 1.6 seconds and 3.2 seconds) of our simulation side by side with the real game. The raters were tasked with recognizing the real game (see Figure [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#A1.F14 14] in Appendix [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#A1.SS6 A.6]). The raters only choose the actual game over the simulation in 58% or 60% of the time (for the 1.6 seconds and 3.2 seconds clips, respectively).

    === 5.2 Ablations === <!--T:61-->
    <div id="S5.SS1.p5" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    <span id="S5.SS1.p5.1.1" class="ltx_text ltx_font_bold">Human Evaluation.</span> As another measurement of simulation quality, we provided 10 human raters with 130 random short clips (of lengths 1.6 seconds and 3.2 seconds) of our simulation side by side with the real game. The raters were tasked with recognizing the real game (see Figure [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#A1.F14 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">14</span>] in Appendix [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#A1.SS6 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">A.6</span>]). The raters only choose the actual game over the simulation in 58% or 60% of the time (for the 1.6 seconds and 3.2 seconds clips, respectively).
    [[File:./Diffusion%20Models%20Are%20Real-Time%20Game%20Engines_files/psnr_step_700k_08212004.png|frame|none|220x137px|class=ltx_graphics ltx_centering ltx_figure_panel ltx_img_landscape|alt=|caption <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_figure">Figure 6: </span><span id="S5.F6.2.1" class="ltx_text ltx_font_bold">Auto-regressive evaluation</span>. PSNR and LPIPS metrics over 64 auto-regressive steps.]]
    <div id="S5.SS2" class="section ltx_subsection">
    === <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_subsection">5.2 </span>Ablations ===
    <div id="S5.SS2.p1" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">

    To evaluate the importance of the different components of our methods, we sample trajectories from the evaluation dataset and compute LPIPS and PSNR metrics between the ground truth and the predicted frames.
    To evaluate the importance of the different components of our methods, we sample trajectories from the evaluation dataset and compute LPIPS and PSNR metrics between the ground truth and the predicted frames.

    ==== 5.2.1 Context Length ==== <!--T:63-->
    <div id="S5.SS2.SSS1" class="section ltx_subsubsection">

    ==== <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_subsubsection">5.2.1 </span>Context Length ====
    We evaluate the impact of changing the number <math>N</math> of past observations in the conditioning context by training models with <math>N \in \{ 1,2,4,8,16,32,64\}</math> (recall that our method uses <math>N = 64</math>). This affects both the number of historical frames and actions. We train the models for 200,000 steps keeping the decoder frozen and evaluate on test-set trajectories from 5 levels. See the results in Table [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S5.T1 1]. As expected, we observe that generation quality improves with the length of the context. Interestingly, we observe that while the improvement is large at first (e.g., between 1 and 2 frames), we quickly approach an asymptote and further increasing the context size provides only small improvements in quality. This is somewhat surprising as even with our maximal context length, the model only has access to a little over 3 seconds of history. Notably, we observe that much of the game state is persisted for much longer periods (see Section [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S7 7]). While the length of the conditioning context is an important limitation, Table [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S5.T1 1] hints that we’d likely need to change the architecture of our model to efficiently support longer contexts, and employ better selection of the past frames to condition on, which we leave for future work.

    <div id="S5.SS2.SSS1.p1" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    '''Table 1: Number of history frames.''' We ablate the number of history frames used as context using 8912 test-set examples from 5 levels. More frames generally improve both PSNR and LPIPS metrics.

    We evaluate the impact of changing the number <math display="inline">N</math> of past observations in the conditioning context by training models with <math display="inline">N \in {\{ 1,2,4,8,16,32,64\}}</math> (recall that our method uses <math display="inline">N = 64</math>). This affects both the number of historical frames and actions. We train the models for 200,000 steps keeping the decoder frozen and evaluate on test-set trajectories from 5 levels. See the results in Table [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S5.T1 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">1</span>]. As expected, we observe that generation quality improves with the length of the context. Interestingly, we observe that while the improvement is large at first (e.g. between 1 and 2 frames), we quickly approach an asymptote and further increasing the context size provides only small improvements in quality. This is somewhat surprising as even with our maximal context length, the model only has access to a little over 3 seconds of history. Notably, we observe that much of the game state is persisted for much longer periods (see Section [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S7 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">7</span>]). While the length of the conditioning context is an important limitation, Table [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S5.T1 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">1</span>] hints that we’d likely need to change the architecture of our model to efficiently support longer contexts, and employ better selection of the past frames to condition on, which we leave for future work.
    {| class="wikitable"
    <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_table">Table 1: </span><span id="S5.T1.18.1" class="ltx_text ltx_font_bold">Number of history frames.</span> We ablate the number of history frames used as context using 8912 test-set examples from 5 levels. More frames generally improve both PSNR and LPIPS metrics.
    <div id="S5.T1.16" class="ltx_inline-block ltx_align_center ltx_transformed_outer" style="width:198.7pt;height:106.2pt;vertical-align:-0.0pt;">
    <span class="ltx_transformed_inner" style="transform:translate(-35.4pt,18.9pt) scale(0.737296541759712,0.737296541759712) ;"> </span>
    ! History Context Length
    ! History Context Length
    ! PSNR <math display="inline">\uparrow</math>
    ! PSNR <math>\uparrow</math>
    ! LPIPS <math display="inline">\downarrow</math>
    ! LPIPS <math>\downarrow</math>
    | 64
    | 64
    | <math display="inline">22.36 \pm 0.033</math>
    | <math>22.36 \pm 0.033</math>
    | <math display="inline">0.295 \pm 0.001</math>
    | <math>0.295 \pm 0.001</math>
    | 32
    | 32
    | <math display="inline">22.31 \pm 0.033</math>
    | <math>22.31 \pm 0.033</math>
    | <math display="inline">0.296 \pm 0.001</math>
    | <math>0.296 \pm 0.001</math>
    | 16
    | 16
    | <math display="inline">22.28 \pm 0.033</math>
    | <math>22.28 \pm 0.033</math>
    | <math display="inline">0.296 \pm 0.001</math>
    | <math>0.296 \pm 0.001</math>
    | 8
    | 8
    | <math display="inline">22.26 \pm 0.033</math>
    | <math>22.26 \pm 0.033</math>
    | <math display="inline">0.296 \pm 0.001</math>
    | <math>0.296 \pm 0.001</math>
    | 4
    | 4
    | <math display="inline">22.26 \pm 0.034</math>
    | <math>22.26 \pm 0.034</math>
    | <math display="inline">0.298 \pm 0.001</math>
    | <math>0.298 \pm 0.001</math>
    | 2
    | 2
    | <math display="inline">22.03 \pm 0.037</math>
    | <math>22.03 \pm 0.037</math>
    | <math display="inline">0.304 \pm 0.001</math>
    | <math>0.304 \pm 0.001</math>
    | 1
    | 1
    | <math display="inline">20.94 \pm 0.044</math>
    | <math>20.94 \pm 0.044</math>
    | <math display="inline">0.358 \pm 0.001</math>
    | <math>0.358 \pm 0.001</math>

    ==== 5.2.2 Noise Augmentation ==== <!--T:67-->

    To ablate the impact of noise augmentation, we train a model without added noise. We evaluate both our standard model with noise augmentation and the model without added noise (after 200k training steps) auto-regressively and compute PSNR and LPIPS metrics between the predicted frames and the ground-truth over a random holdout of 512 trajectories. We report average metric values for each auto-regressive step up to a total of 64 frames in Figure [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S5.F7 7].
    <div id="S5.SS2.SSS2" class="section ltx_subsubsection">
    ==== <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_subsubsection">5.2.2 </span>Noise Augmentation ====
    <div id="S5.SS2.SSS2.p1" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    To ablate the impact of noise augmentation we train a model without added noise. We evaluate both our standard model with noise augmentation and the model without added noise (after 200k training steps) auto-regressively and compute PSNR and LPIPS metrics between the predicted frames and the ground-truth over a random holdout of 512 trajectories. We report average metric values for each auto-regressive step up to a total of 64 frames in Figure [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S5.F7 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">7</span>].
    <div id="S5.SS2.SSS2.p2" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">

    Without noise augmentation, LPIPS distance from the ground truth increases rapidly compared to our standard noise-augmented model, while PSNR drops, indicating a divergence of the simulation from ground truth.
    Without noise augmentation, LPIPS distance from the ground truth increases rapidly compared to our standard noise-augmented model, while PSNR drops, indicating a divergence of the simulation from ground truth.

    [[File:./Diffusion%20Models%20Are%20Real-Time%20Game%20Engines_files/noise_aug_ablation_lpips_step_200k_08212024.png|frame|none|247x153px|class=ltx_graphics ltx_centering ltx_figure_panel ltx_img_landscape|alt=|caption <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_figure">Figure 7: </span><span id="S5.F7.2.1" class="ltx_text ltx_font_bold">Impact of Noise Augmentation.</span> The plots show average LPIPS (lower is better) and PSNR (higher is better) values for each auto-regressive step. When noise augmentation is not used quality degrades quickly after 10-20 frames. This is prevented by noise augmentation.]]
    [[File:2408.14837.figure.7.1.png|center|thumb|600x600px|Figure 7: Impact of Noise Augmentation. The plots show average LPIPS (lower is better) values for each auto-regressive step. When noise augmentation is not used, quality degrades quickly after 10-20 frames. This is prevented by noise augmentation.]]

    <div id="S5.SS2.SSS3" class="section ltx_subsubsection">
    [[File:2408.14837.figure.7.2.png|center|thumb|600x600px|Figure 7: Impact of Noise Augmentation. The plots show average PSNR (higher is better) values for each auto-regressive step. When noise augmentation is not used, quality degrades quickly after 10-20 frames. This is prevented by noise augmentation.]]

    ==== <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_subsubsection">5.2.3 </span>Agent Play ====
    ==== 5.2.3 Agent Play ==== <!--T:72-->
    <div id="S5.SS2.SSS3.p1" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">

    We compare training on agent-generated data to training on data generated using a random policy. For the random policy, we sample actions following a uniform categorical distribution that doesn’t depend on the observations. We compare the random and agent datasets by training 2 models for 700k steps along with their decoder. The models are evaluated on a dataset of 2048 human-play trajectories from 5 levels. We compare the first frame of generation, conditioned on a history context of 64 ground-truth frames, as well as a frame after 3 seconds of auto-regressive generation.
    We compare training on agent-generated data to training on data generated using a random policy. For the random policy, we sample actions following a uniform categorical distribution that doesn’t depend on the observations. We compare the random and agent datasets by training 2 models for 700k steps along with their decoder. The models are evaluated on a dataset of 2048 human-play trajectories from 5 levels. We compare the first frame of generation, conditioned on a history context of 64 ground-truth frames, as well as a frame after 3 seconds of auto-regressive generation.

    <div id="S5.SS2.SSS3.p2" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    Overall, we observe that training the model on random trajectories works surprisingly well, but is limited by the exploration ability of the random policy. When comparing the single frame generation, the agent works only slightly better, achieving a PSNR of 25.06 vs 24.42 for the random policy. When comparing a frame after 3 seconds of auto-regressive generation, the difference increases to 19.02 vs 16.84. When playing with the model manually, we observe that some areas are very easy for both, some areas are very hard for both, and in some, the agent performs much better. With that, we manually split 456 examples into 3 buckets: easy, medium, and hard, manually, based on their distance from the starting position in the game. We observe that on the easy and hard sets, the agent performs only slightly better than random, while on the medium set, the difference is much larger in favor of the agent as expected (see Table [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S5.T2 2]). See Figure [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#A1.F13 13] in Appendix [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#A1.SS5 A.5] for an example of the scores during a single session of human play.

    Overall, we observe that training the model on random trajectories works surprisingly well, but is limited by the exploration ability of the random policy. When comparing the single frame generation the agent works only slightly better, achieving a PNSR of 25.06 vs 24.42 for the random policy. When comparing a frame after 3 seconds of auto-regressive generation, the difference increases to 19.02 vs 16.84. When playing with the model manually, we observe that some areas are very easy for both, some areas are very hard for both, and in some the agent performs much better. With that, we manually split 456 examples into 3 buckets: easy, medium, and hard, manually, based on their distance from the starting position in the game. We observe that on the easy and hard sets, the agent performs only slightly better than random, while on the medium set the difference is much larger in favor of the agent as expected (see Table [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S5.T2 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">2</span>]). See Figure [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#A1.F13 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">13</span>] in Appendix [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#A1.SS5 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">A.5</span>] for an example of the scores during a single session of human play.
    '''Table 2: Performance on Different Difficulty Levels.''' We compare the performance of models trained using Agent-generated and Random-generated data across easy, medium, and hard splits of the dataset. Easy and medium have 112 items, hard has 232 items. Metrics are computed for each trajectory on a single frame after 3 seconds.

    <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_table">Table 2: </span><span id="S5.T2.16.1" class="ltx_text ltx_font_bold">Performance on Different Difficulty Levels.</span> We compare the performance of models trained using Agent-generated and Random-generated data across easy, medium, and hard splits of the dataset. Easy and medium have 112 items, hard has 232 items. Metrics are computed for each trajectory on a single frame after 3 seconds.
    {| class="wikitable"
    <div id="S5.T2.14" class="ltx_inline-block ltx_align_center ltx_transformed_outer" style="width:298.1pt;height:113pt;vertical-align:-0.0pt;">
    <span class="ltx_transformed_inner" style="transform:translate(-17.2pt,6.5pt) scale(0.896469703350536,0.896469703350536) ;"> </span>
    ! Difficulty Level
    ! Difficulty Level
    ! Data Generation Policy
    ! Data Generation Policy
    ! PSNR <math display="inline">\uparrow</math>
    ! PSNR <math>\uparrow</math>
    ! LPIPS <math display="inline">\downarrow</math>
    ! LPIPS <math>\downarrow</math>
    | Easy
    | Easy
    | Agent
    | Agent
    | <math display="inline">20.94 \pm 0.76</math>
    | <math>20.94 \pm 0.76</math>
    | <math display="inline">0.48 \pm 0.01</math>
    | <math>0.48 \pm 0.01</math>
    | Random
    | Random
    | <math display="inline">20.20 \pm 0.83</math>
    | <math>20.20 \pm 0.83</math>
    | <math display="inline">0.48 \pm 0.01</math>
    | <math>0.48 \pm 0.01</math>
    | Medium
    | Medium
    | Agent
    | Agent
    | <math display="inline">20.21 \pm 0.36</math>
    | <math>20.21 \pm 0.36</math>
    | <math display="inline">0.50 \pm 0.01</math>
    | <math>0.50 \pm 0.01</math>
    | Random
    | Random
    | <math display="inline">16.50 \pm 0.41</math>
    | <math>16.50 \pm 0.41</math>
    | <math display="inline">0.59 \pm 0.01</math>
    | <math>0.59 \pm 0.01</math>
    | Hard
    | Hard
    | Agent
    | Agent
    | <math display="inline">17.51 \pm 0.35</math>
    | <math>17.51 \pm 0.35</math>
    | <math display="inline">0.60 \pm 0.01</math>
    | <math>0.60 \pm 0.01</math>
    | Random
    | Random
    | <math display="inline">15.39 \pm 0.43</math>
    | <math>15.39 \pm 0.43</math>
    | <math display="inline">0.61 \pm 0.00</math>
    | <math>0.61 \pm 0.00</math>

    == 6 Related Work == <!--T:77-->

    ===== Interactive 3D Simulation ===== <!--T:78-->

    Simulating visual and physical processes of 2D and 3D environments and allowing interactive exploration of them is an extensively developed field in computer graphics (Akenine-Möller et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib1 2018]). Game Engines, such as Unreal and Unity, are software that processes representations of scene geometry and renders a stream of images in response to user interactions. The game engine is responsible for keeping track of all world state, e.g., the player position and movement, objects, character animation, and lighting. It also tracks the game logic, e.g., points gained by accomplishing game objectives. Film and television productions use variants of ray-tracing (Shirley & Morley, [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib32 2008]), which are too slow and compute-intensive for real-time applications. In contrast, game engines must keep a very high frame rate (typically 30-60 FPS), and therefore rely on highly-optimized polygon rasterization, often accelerated by GPUs. Physical effects such as shadows, particles, and lighting are often implemented using efficient heuristics rather than physically accurate simulation.

    ===== Neural 3D Simulation ===== <!--T:80-->

    <div id="S6" class="section ltx_section">
    Neural methods for reconstructing 3D representations have made significant advances over the last years. NeRFs (Mildenhall et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib20 2020]) parameterize radiance fields using a deep neural network that is specifically optimized for a given scene from a set of images taken from various camera poses. Once trained, novel points of view of the scene can be sampled using volume rendering methods. Gaussian Splatting (Kerbl et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib15 2023]) approaches build on NeRFs but represent scenes using 3D Gaussians and adapted rasterization methods, unlocking faster training and rendering times. While demonstrating impressive reconstruction results and real-time interactivity, these methods are often limited to static scenes.

    == <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_section">6 </span>Related Work ==
    ===== Video Diffusion Models ===== <!--T:82-->

    <div id="S6.SS0.SSS0.Px1" class="section ltx_paragraph">
    Diffusion models achieved state-of-the-art results in text-to-image generation (Saharia et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib27 2022]; Rombach et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib26 2022]; Ramesh et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib25 2022]; Podell et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib23 2023]), a line of work that has also been applied for text-to-video generation tasks (Ho et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib14 2022]; Blattmann et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib5 2023b]; [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib4 a]; Gupta et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib9 2023]; Girdhar et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib8 2023]; Bar-Tal et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib3 2024]). Despite impressive advancements in realism, text adherence, and temporal consistency, video diffusion models remain too slow for real-time applications. Our work extends this line of work and adapts it for real-time generation conditioned autoregressively on a history of past observations and actions.

    ===== Interactive 3D Simulation =====
    ===== Game Simulation and World Models ===== <!--T:84-->

    <div id="S6.SS0.SSS0.Px1.p1" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    Several works attempted to train models for game simulation with actions inputs. Yang et al. ([https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib38 2023]) build a diverse dataset of real-world and simulated videos and train a diffusion model to predict a continuation video given a previous video segment and a textual description of an action. Menapace et al. ([https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib18 2021]) and Bruce et al. ([https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib7 2024]) focus on unsupervised learning of actions from videos. Menapace et al. ([https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib19 2024]) converts textual prompts to game states, which are later converted to a 3D representation using NeRF. Unlike these works, we focus on ''interactive playable real-time simulation'', and demonstrate robustness over long-horizon trajectories. We leverage an RL agent to explore the game environment and create rollouts of observations and interactions for training our interactive game model. Another line of work explored learning a predictive model of the environment and using it for training an RL agent. Ha & Schmidhuber ([https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib10 2018]) train a Variational Auto-Encoder (Kingma & Welling, [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib17 2014]) to encode game frames into a latent vector, and then use an RNN to mimic the VizDoom game environment, training on random rollouts from a random policy (i.e., selecting an action at random). Then a controller policy is learned by playing within the “hallucinated” environment. Hafner et al. ([https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib11 2020]) demonstrate that an RL agent can be trained entirely on episodes generated by a learned world model in latent space. Also close to our work is Kim et al. ([https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib16 2020]), which uses an LSTM architecture for modeling the world state, coupled with a convolutional decoder for producing output frames and jointly trained under an adversarial objective. While this approach seems to produce reasonable results for simple games like PacMan, it struggles with simulating the complex environment of VizDoom and produces blurry samples. In contrast, GameNGen is able to generate samples comparable to those of the original game; see Figure [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S1.F2 2]. Finally, concurrently with our work, Alonso et al. ([https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib2 2024]) train a diffusion world model to predict the next observation given observation history, and iteratively train the world model and an RL model on Atari games.

    Simulating visual and physical processes of 2D and 3D environments and allowing interactive exploration of them is an extensively developed field in computer graphics (Akenine-Mller et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib1 2018]). Game Engines, such as Unreal and Unity, are software that processes representations of scene geometry and renders a stream of images in response to user interactions. The game engine is responsible for keeping track of all world state, e.g. the player position and movement, objects, character animation and lighting. It also tracks the game logic, e.g. points gained by accomplishing game objectives. Film and television productions use variants of ray-tracing (Shirley &amp; Morley, [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib32 2008]), which are too slow and compute-intensive for real time applications. In contrast, game engines must keep a very high frame rate (typically 30-60 FPS), and therefore rely on highly-optimized polygon rasterization, often accelerated by GPUs. Physical effects such as shadows, particles and lighting are often implemented using efficient heuristics rather than physically accurate simulation.
    ===== DOOM ===== <!--T:86-->

    When DOOM was released in 1993, it revolutionized the gaming industry. Introducing groundbreaking 3D graphics technology, it became a cornerstone of the first-person shooter genre, influencing countless other games. DOOM was studied by numerous research works. It provides an open-source implementation and a native resolution that is low enough for small-sized models to simulate while being complex enough to be a challenging test case. Finally, the authors have spent countless youth hours with the game. It was a trivial choice to use it in this work.

    == 7 Discussion == <!--T:88-->
    <div id="S6.SS0.SSS0.Px2" class="section ltx_paragraph">

    ===== Neural 3D Simulation =====
    '''Summary.''' We introduced ''GameNGen'' and demonstrated that high-quality real-time gameplay at 20 frames per second is possible on a neural model. We also provided a recipe for converting an interactive piece of software such as a computer game into a neural model.

    <div id="S6.SS0.SSS0.Px2.p1" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    '''Limitations.''' GameNGen suffers from a limited amount of memory. The model only has access to a little over 3 seconds of history, so it’s remarkable that much of the game logic is persisted for drastically longer time horizons. While some of the game state is persisted through screen pixels (e.g., ammo and health tallies, available weapons, etc.), the model likely learns strong heuristics that allow meaningful generalizations. For example, from the rendered view, the model learns to infer the player’s location, and from the ammo and health tallies, the model might infer whether the player has already been through an area and defeated the enemies there. That said, it’s easy to create situations where this context length is not enough. Continuing to increase the context size with our existing architecture yields only marginal benefits (Section [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S5.SS2.SSS1 5.2.1]), and the model’s short context length remains an important limitation. The second important limitation is the remaining differences between the agent’s behavior and those of human players. For example, our agent, even at the end of training, still does not explore all of the game’s locations and interactions, leading to erroneous behavior in those cases.

    Neural methods for reconstructing 3D representations have made significant advances over the last years. NeRFs (Mildenhall et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib20 2020]) parameterize radiance fields using a deep neural network that is specifically optimized for a given scene from a set of images taken from various camera poses. Once trained, novel point of views of the scene can be sampled using volume rendering methods. Gaussian Splatting (Kerbl et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib15 2023]) approaches build on NeRFs but represent scenes using 3D Gaussians and adapted rasterization methods, unlocking faster training and rendering times. While demonstrating impressive reconstruction results and real-time interactivity, these methods are often limited to static scenes.
    '''Future Work.''' We demonstrate ''GameNGen'' on the classic game DOOM. It would be interesting to test it on other games or more generally on other interactive software systems. We note that nothing in our technique is DOOM specific except for the reward function for the RL-agent. We plan on addressing that in future work. While ''GameNGen'' manages to maintain game state accurately, it isn’t perfect, as per the discussion above. A more sophisticated architecture might be needed to mitigate these issues. ''GameNGen'' currently has a limited capability to leverage more than a minimal amount of memory. Experimenting with further expanding the memory effectively could be critical for more complex games/software. ''GameNGen'' runs at 20 or 50 FPS<sup>2</sup><sup>2</sup>Faster than the original game DOOM ran on some of the authors’ 80386 machines at the time! on a TPUv5. It would be interesting to experiment with further optimization techniques to get it to run at higher frame rates and on consumer hardware.

    '''Towards a New Paradigm for Interactive Video Games.''' Today, video games are ''programmed'' by humans. ''GameNGen'' is a proof-of-concept for one part of a new paradigm where games are weights of a neural model, not lines of code. ''GameNGen'' shows that an architecture and model weights exist such that a neural model can effectively run a complex game (DOOM) interactively on existing hardware. While many important questions remain, we are hopeful that this paradigm could have important benefits. For example, the development process for video games under this new paradigm might be less costly and more accessible, whereby games could be developed and edited via textual descriptions or example images. A small part of this vision, namely creating modifications or novel behaviors for existing games, might be achievable in the shorter term. For example, we might be able to convert a set of frames into a new playable level or create a new character just based on example images, without having to author code. Other advantages of this new paradigm include strong guarantees on frame rates and memory footprints. We have not experimented with these directions yet and much more work is required here, but we are excited to try! Hopefully, this small step will someday contribute to a meaningful improvement in people’s experience with video games, or maybe even more generally, in day-to-day interactions with interactive software systems.

    == Acknowledgements == <!--T:93-->
    <div id="S6.SS0.SSS0.Px3" class="section ltx_paragraph">
    ===== Video Diffusion Models =====
    <div id="S6.SS0.SSS0.Px3.p1" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    Diffusion models achieved state-of-the-art results in text-to-image generation (Saharia et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib27 2022]; Rombach et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib26 2022]; Ramesh et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib25 2022]; Podell et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib23 2023]), a line of work that has also been applied for text-to-video generation tasks (Ho et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib14 2022]; Blattmann et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib5 2023b]; [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib4 a]; Gupta et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib9 2023]; Girdhar et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib8 2023]; Bar-Tal et al., [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib3 2024]). Despite impressive advancement in realism, text adherence and temporal consistency, video diffusion models remain too slow for real-time applications. Our work extends this line of work and adapts it for real-time generation conditioned autoregressively on a history of past observations and actions.
    <div id="S6.SS0.SSS0.Px4" class="section ltx_paragraph">
    ===== Game Simulation and World Models =====
    <div id="S6.SS0.SSS0.Px4.p1" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    Several works attempted to train models for game simulation with actions inputs. Yang et al. ([https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib38 2023]) build a diverse dataset of real-world and simulated videos and train a diffusion model to predict a continuation video given a previous video segment and a textual description of an action. Menapace et al. ([https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib18 2021]) and Bruce et al. ([https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib7 2024]) focus on unsupervised learning of actions from videos. Menapace et al. ([https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib19 2024]) converts textual prompts to game states, which are later converted to a 3D representation using NeRF. Unlike these works, we focus on <span id="S6.SS0.SSS0.Px4.p1.1.1" class="ltx_text ltx_font_italic">interactive playable real-time simulation</span>, and demonstrate robustness over long-horizon trajectories. We leverage an RL agent to explore the game environment and create rollouts of observations and interactions for training our interactive game model. Another line of work explored learning a predictive model of the environment and using it for training an RL agent. Ha &amp; Schmidhuber ([https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib10 2018]) train a Variational Auto-Encoder (Kingma &amp; Welling, [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib17 2014]) to encode game frames into a latent vector, and then use an RNN to mimic the VizDoom game environment, training on random rollouts from a random policy (i.e. selecting an action at random). Then controller policy is learned by playing within the “hallucinated” environment. Hafner et al. ([https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib11 2020]) demonstrate that an RL agent can be trained entirely on episodes generated by a learned world model in latent space. Also close to our work is Kim et al. ([https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib16 2020]), that use an LSTM architecture for modeling the world state, coupled with a convolutional decoder for producing output frames and jointly trained under an adversarial objective. While this approach seems to produce reasonable results for simple games like PacMan, it struggles with simulating the complex environment of VizDoom and produces blurry samples. In contrast, GameNGen is able to generate samples comparable to those of the original game, see Figure [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S1.F2 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">2</span>]. Finally, concurrently with our work, Alonso et al. ([https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib2 2024]) train a diffusion world model to predict the next observation given observation history, and iteratively train the world model and an RL model on Atari games.
    <div id="S6.SS0.SSS0.Px5" class="section ltx_paragraph">
    ===== DOOM =====
    <div id="S6.SS0.SSS0.Px5.p1" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    When DOOM released in 1993 it revolutionized the gaming industry. Introducing groundbreaking 3D graphics technology, it became a cornerstone of the first-person shooter genre, influencing countless other games. DOOM was studied by numerous research works. It provides an open-source implementation and a native resolution that is low enough for small sized models to simulate, while being complex enough to be a challenging test case. Finally, the authors have spent countless youth hours with the game. It was a trivial choice to use it in this work.
    <div id="S7" class="section ltx_section">
    == <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_section">7 </span>Discussion ==
    <div id="S7.p1" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    <span id="S7.p1.1.1" class="ltx_text ltx_font_bold">Summary.</span> We introduced ''GameNGen'', and demonstrated that high-quality real-time game play at 20 frames per second is possible on a neural model. We also provided a recipe for converting an interactive piece of software such as a computer game into a neural model.
    <div id="S7.p2" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    <span id="S7.p2.1.1" class="ltx_text ltx_font_bold">Limitations.</span> GameNGen suffers from a limited amount of memory. The model only has access to a little over 3 seconds of history, so it’s remarkable that much of the game logic is persisted for drastically longer time horizons. While some of the game state is persisted through screen pixels (e.g. ammo and health tallies, available weapons, etc.), the model likely learns strong heuristics that allow meaningful generalizations. For example, from the rendered view the model learns to infer the player’s location, and from the ammo and health tallies, the model might infer whether the player has already been through an area and defeated the enemies there. That said, it’s easy to create situations where this context length is not enough. Continuing to increase the context size with our existing architecture yields only marginal benefits (Section [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S5.SS2.SSS1 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">5.2.1</span>]), and the model’s short context length remains an important limitation. The second important limitation are the remaining differences between the agent’s behavior and those of human players. For example, our agent, even at the end of training, still does not explore all of the game’s locations and interactions, leading to erroneous behavior in those cases.
    <div id="S7.p3" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    <span id="S7.p3.1.1" class="ltx_text ltx_font_bold">Future Work.</span> We demonstrate ''GameNGen'' on the classic game DOOM. It would be interesting to test it on other games or more generally on other interactive software systems; We note that nothing in our technique is DOOM specific except for the reward function for the RL-agent. We plan on addressing that in a future work; While ''GameNGen'' manages to maintain game state accurately, it isn’t perfect, as per the discussion above. A more sophisticated architecture might be needed to mitigate these; ''GameNGen'' currently has a limited capability to leverage more than a minimal amount of memory. Experimenting with further expanding the memory effectively could be critical for more complex games/software; ''GameNGen'' runs at 20 or 50 FPS<span id="footnote2" class="ltx_note ltx_role_footnote"><sup>2</sup><span class="ltx_note_outer"><span class="ltx_note_content"><sup>2</sup><span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_note">2</span>Faster than the original game DOOM ran on the some of the authors’ 80386 machines at the time!</span></span></span> on a TPUv5. It would be interesting to experiment with further optimization techniques to get it to run at higher frame rates and on consumer hardware.
    <div id="S7.p4" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    <span id="S7.p4.1.1" class="ltx_text ltx_font_bold">Towards a New Paradigm for Interactive Video Games.</span> Today, video games are ''programmed'' by humans. ''GameNGen'' is a proof-of-concept for one part of a new paradigm where games are weights of a neural model, not lines of code. ''GameNGen'' shows that an architecture and model weights exist such that a neural model can effectively run a complex game (DOOM) interactively on existing hardware. While many important questions remain, we are hopeful that this paradigm could have important benefits. For example, the development process for video games under this new paradigm might be less costly and more accessible, whereby games could be developed and edited via textual descriptions or examples images. A small part of this vision, namely creating modifications or novel behaviors for existing games, might be achievable in the shorter term. For example, we might be able to convert a set of frames into a new playable level or create a new character just based on example images, without having to author code. Other advantages of this new paradigm include strong guarantees on frame rates and memory footprints. We have not experimented with these directions yet and much more work is required here, but we are excited to try! Hopefully this small step will someday contribute to a meaningful improvement in people’s experience with video games, or maybe even more generally, in day-to-day interactions with interactive software systems.
    <div id="Sx1" class="section ltx_section">
    == Acknowledgements ==
    <div id="Sx1.p1" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">

    We’d like to extend a huge thank you to Eyal Segalis, Eyal Molad, Matan Kalman, Nataniel Ruiz, Amir Hertz, Matan Cohen, Yossi Matias, Yael Pritch, Danny Lumen, Valerie Nygaard, the Theta Labs and Google Research teams, and our families for insightful feedback, ideas, suggestions, and support.
    We’d like to extend a huge thank you to Eyal Segalis, Eyal Molad, Matan Kalman, Nataniel Ruiz, Amir Hertz, Matan Cohen, Yossi Matias, Yael Pritch, Danny Lumen, Valerie Nygaard, the Theta Labs and Google Research teams, and our families for insightful feedback, ideas, suggestions, and support.

    == Contribution == <!--T:95-->

    <div id="Sx2" class="section ltx_section">
    * '''Dani Valevski''': Developed much of the codebase, tuned parameters and details across the system, added autoencoder fine-tuning, agent training, and distillation.
    * '''Yaniv Leviathan''': Proposed project, method, and architecture, developed the initial implementation, key contributor to implementation and writing.
    * '''Moab Arar''': Led auto-regressive stabilization with noise-augmentation, many of the ablations, and created the dataset of human-play data.
    * '''Shlomi Fruchter''': Proposed project, method, and architecture. Project leadership, initial implementation using DOOM, main manuscript writing, evaluation metrics, random policy data pipeline.

    == Contribution ==
    Correspondence to <code>shlomif@google.com</code> and <code>leviathan@google.com</code>.

    <div id="Sx2.p1" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    == References == <!--T:98-->

    <li><span id="Sx2.I1.i1"><span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_item">•</span></span>
    * Akenine-Möller et al. (2018) Tomas Akenine-Möller, Eric Haines, and Naty Hoffman. ''Real-Time Rendering, Fourth Edition''. A. K. Peters, Ltd., USA, 4th edition, 2018. ISBN 0134997832.
    <div id="Sx2.I1.i1.p1" class="ltx_para">

    <p><span id="Sx2.I1.i1.p1.1.1" class="ltx_text ltx_font_bold">Dani Valevski</span>: Developed much of the codebase, tuned parameters and details across the system, added autoencoder fine-tuning, agent training, and distillation.</p>
    * Alonso et al. (2024) Eloi Alonso, Adam Jelley, Vincent Micheli, Anssi Kanervisto, Amos Storkey, Tim Pearce, and François Fleuret. Diffusion for world modeling: Visual details matter in Atari, 2024.

    <li><span id="Sx2.I1.i2"><span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_item">•</span></span>
    * Bar-Tal et al. (2024) Omer Bar-Tal, Hila Chefer, Omer Tov, Charles Herrmann, Roni Paiss, Shiran Zada, Ariel Ephrat, Junhwa Hur, Guanghui Liu, Amit Raj, Yuanzhen Li, Michael Rubinstein, Tomer Michaeli, Oliver Wang, Deqing Sun, Tali Dekel, and Inbar Mosseri. Lumiere: A space-time diffusion model for video generation, 2024. URL: [https://arxiv.org/abs/2401.12945](https://arxiv.org/abs/2401.12945).
    <div id="Sx2.I1.i2.p1" class="ltx_para">

    <p><span id="Sx2.I1.i2.p1.1.1" class="ltx_text ltx_font_bold">Yaniv Leviathan</span>: Proposed project, method, and architecture, developed the initial implementation, key contributor to implementation and writing.</p>
    * Blattmann et al. (2023a) Andreas Blattmann, Tim Dockhorn, Sumith Kulal, Daniel Mendelevitch, Maciej Kilian, Dominik Lorenz, Yam Levi, Zion English, Vikram Voleti, Adam Letts, Varun Jampani, and Robin Rombach. Stable video diffusion: Scaling latent video diffusion models to large datasets, 2023a. URL: [https://arxiv.org/abs/2311.15127](https://arxiv.org/abs/2311.15127).

    <li><span id="Sx2.I1.i3"><span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_item">•</span></span>
    * Blattmann et al. (2023b) Andreas Blattmann, Robin Rombach, Huan Ling, Tim Dockhorn, Seung Wook Kim, Sanja Fidler, and Karsten Kreis. Align your latents: High-resolution video synthesis with latent diffusion models, 2023b. URL: [https://arxiv.org/abs/2304.08818](https://arxiv.org/abs/2304.08818).
    <div id="Sx2.I1.i3.p1" class="ltx_para">

    <p><span id="Sx2.I1.i3.p1.1.1" class="ltx_text ltx_font_bold">Moab Arar</span>: Led auto-regressive stabilization with noise-augmentation, many of the ablations, and created the dataset of human-play data.</p>
    * Brooks et al. (2024) Tim Brooks, Bill Peebles, Connor Holmes, Will DePue, Yufei Guo, Li Jing, David Schnurr, Joe Taylor, Troy Luhman, Eric Luhman, Clarence Ng, Ricky Wang, and Aditya Ramesh. Video generation models as world simulators, 2024. URL: [https://openai.com/research/video-generation-models-as-world-simulators](https://openai.com/research/video-generation-models-as-world-simulators).

    <li><span id="Sx2.I1.i4"><span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_item">•</span></span>
    * Bruce et al. (2024) Jake Bruce, Michael Dennis, Ashley Edwards, Jack Parker-Holder, Yuge Shi, Edward Hughes, Matthew Lai, Aditi Mavalankar, Richie Steigerwald, Chris Apps, Yusuf Aytar, Sarah Bechtle, Feryal Behbahani, Stephanie Chan, Nicolas Heess, Lucy Gonzalez, Simon Osindero, Sherjil Ozair, Scott Reed, Jingwei Zhang, Konrad Zolna, Jeff Clune, Nando de Freitas, Satinder Singh, and Tim Rocktäschel. Genie: Generative interactive environments, 2024. URL: [https://arxiv.org/abs/2402.15391](https://arxiv.org/abs/2402.15391).
    <div id="Sx2.I1.i4.p1" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">

    <p><span id="Sx2.I1.i4.p1.1.1" class="ltx_text ltx_font_bold">Shlomi Fruchter</span>: Proposed project, method, and architecture. Project leadership, initial implementation using DOOM, main manuscript writing, evaluation metrics, random policy data pipeline.</p>
    * Girdhar et al. (2023) Rohit Girdhar, Mannat Singh, Andrew Brown, Quentin Duval, Samaneh Azadi, Sai Saketh Rambhatla, Akbar Shah, Xi Yin, Devi Parikh, and Ishan Misra. Emu video: Factorizing text-to-video generation by explicit image conditioning, 2023. URL: [https://arxiv.org/abs/2311.10709](https://arxiv.org/abs/2311.10709).

    * Gupta et al. (2023) Agrim Gupta, Lijun Yu, Kihyuk Sohn, Xiuye Gu, Meera Hahn, Li Fei-Fei, Irfan Essa, Lu Jiang, and José Lezama. Photorealistic video generation with diffusion models, 2023. URL: [https://arxiv.org/abs/2312.06662](https://arxiv.org/abs/2312.06662).

    * Ha & Schmidhuber (2018) David Ha and Jürgen Schmidhuber. World models, 2018.

    <div id="Sx2.p2" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    * Hafner et al. (2020) Danijar Hafner, Timothy Lillicrap, Jimmy Ba, and Mohammad Norouzi. Dream to control: Learning behaviors by latent imagination, 2020. URL: [https://arxiv.org/abs/1912.01603](https://arxiv.org/abs/1912.01603).

    Correspondence to <span id="Sx2.p2.1.1" class="ltx_text ltx_font_typewriter">shlomif@google.com</span> and <span id="Sx2.p2.1.2" class="ltx_text ltx_font_typewriter">leviathan@google.com</span>.
    * Ho & Salimans (2022) Jonathan Ho and Tim Salimans. Classifier-free diffusion guidance, 2022. URL: [https://arxiv.org/abs/2207.12598](https://arxiv.org/abs/2207.12598).

    * Ho et al. (2021) Jonathan Ho, Chitwan Saharia, William Chan, David J Fleet, Mohammad Norouzi, and Tim Salimans. Cascaded diffusion models for high fidelity image generation. ''arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.15282'', 2021.

    <div id="bib" class="section ltx_bibliography">
    * Ho et al. (2022) Jonathan Ho, William Chan, Chitwan Saharia, Jay Whang, Ruiqi Gao, Alexey A. Gritsenko, Diederik P. Kingma, Ben Poole, Mohammad Norouzi, David J. Fleet, and Tim Salimans. Imagen video: High definition video generation with diffusion models. ''ArXiv'', abs/2210.02303, 2022. URL: [https://api.semanticscholar.org/CorpusID:252715883](https://api.semanticscholar.org/CorpusID:252715883).

    == References ==
    * Kerbl et al. (2023) Bernhard Kerbl, Georgios Kopanas, Thomas Leimkühler, and George Drettakis. 3d gaussian splatting for real-time radiance field rendering. ''ACM Transactions on Graphics'', 42(4), July 2023. URL: [https://repo-sam.inria.fr/fungraph/3d-gaussian-splatting/](https://repo-sam.inria.fr/fungraph/3d-gaussian-splatting/).

    <li><span id="bib.bib1">Akenine-Mller et al. (2018)</span>
    * Kim et al. (2020) Seung Wook Kim, Yuhao Zhou, Jonah Philion, Antonio Torralba, and Sanja Fidler. Learning to Simulate Dynamic Environments with GameGAN. In ''IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)'', Jun. 2020.
    <span class="ltx_bibblock"> Tomas Akenine-Mller, Eric Haines, and Naty Hoffman. </span> <span class="ltx_bibblock">''Real-Time Rendering, Fourth Edition''. </span> <span class="ltx_bibblock">A. K. Peters, Ltd., USA, 4th edition, 2018. </span> <span class="ltx_bibblock">ISBN 0134997832. </span></li>
    <li><span id="bib.bib2">Alonso et al. (2024)</span>
    <span class="ltx_bibblock"> Eloi Alonso, Adam Jelley, Vincent Micheli, Anssi Kanervisto, Amos Storkey, Tim Pearce, and François Fleuret. </span> <span class="ltx_bibblock">Diffusion for world modeling: Visual details matter in atari, 2024. </span></li>
    <li><span id="bib.bib3">Bar-Tal et al. (2024)</span>
    <span class="ltx_bibblock"> Omer Bar-Tal, Hila Chefer, Omer Tov, Charles Herrmann, Roni Paiss, Shiran Zada, Ariel Ephrat, Junhwa Hur, Guanghui Liu, Amit Raj, Yuanzhen Li, Michael Rubinstein, Tomer Michaeli, Oliver Wang, Deqing Sun, Tali Dekel, and Inbar Mosseri. </span> <span class="ltx_bibblock">Lumiere: A space-time diffusion model for video generation, 2024. </span> <span class="ltx_bibblock">URL https://arxiv.org/abs/2401.12945. </span></li>
    <li><span id="bib.bib4">Blattmann et al. (2023a)</span>
    <span class="ltx_bibblock"> Andreas Blattmann, Tim Dockhorn, Sumith Kulal, Daniel Mendelevitch, Maciej Kilian, Dominik Lorenz, Yam Levi, Zion English, Vikram Voleti, Adam Letts, Varun Jampani, and Robin Rombach. </span> <span class="ltx_bibblock">Stable video diffusion: Scaling latent video diffusion models to large datasets, 2023a. </span> <span class="ltx_bibblock">URL https://arxiv.org/abs/2311.15127. </span></li>
    <li><span id="bib.bib5">Blattmann et al. (2023b)</span>
    <span class="ltx_bibblock"> Andreas Blattmann, Robin Rombach, Huan Ling, Tim Dockhorn, Seung Wook Kim, Sanja Fidler, and Karsten Kreis. </span> <span class="ltx_bibblock">Align your latents: High-resolution video synthesis with latent diffusion models, 2023b. </span> <span class="ltx_bibblock">URL https://arxiv.org/abs/2304.08818. </span></li>
    <li><span id="bib.bib6">Brooks et al. (2024)</span>
    <span class="ltx_bibblock"> Tim Brooks, Bill Peebles, Connor Holmes, Will DePue, Yufei Guo, Li Jing, David Schnurr, Joe Taylor, Troy Luhman, Eric Luhman, Clarence Ng, Ricky Wang, and Aditya Ramesh. </span> <span class="ltx_bibblock">Video generation models as world simulators, 2024. </span> <span class="ltx_bibblock">URL https://openai.com/research/video-generation-models-as-world-simulators. </span></li>
    <li><span id="bib.bib7">Bruce et al. (2024)</span>
    <span class="ltx_bibblock"> Jake Bruce, Michael Dennis, Ashley Edwards, Jack Parker-Holder, Yuge Shi, Edward Hughes, Matthew Lai, Aditi Mavalankar, Richie Steigerwald, Chris Apps, Yusuf Aytar, Sarah Bechtle, Feryal Behbahani, Stephanie Chan, Nicolas Heess, Lucy Gonzalez, Simon Osindero, Sherjil Ozair, Scott Reed, Jingwei Zhang, Konrad Zolna, Jeff Clune, Nando de Freitas, Satinder Singh, and Tim Rocktäschel. </span> <span class="ltx_bibblock">Genie: Generative interactive environments, 2024. </span> <span class="ltx_bibblock">URL https://arxiv.org/abs/2402.15391. </span></li>
    <li><span id="bib.bib8">Girdhar et al. (2023)</span>
    <span class="ltx_bibblock"> Rohit Girdhar, Mannat Singh, Andrew Brown, Quentin Duval, Samaneh Azadi, Sai Saketh Rambhatla, Akbar Shah, Xi Yin, Devi Parikh, and Ishan Misra. </span> <span class="ltx_bibblock">Emu video: Factorizing text-to-video generation by explicit image conditioning, 2023. </span> <span class="ltx_bibblock">URL https://arxiv.org/abs/2311.10709. </span></li>
    <li><span id="bib.bib9">Gupta et al. (2023)</span>
    <span class="ltx_bibblock"> Agrim Gupta, Lijun Yu, Kihyuk Sohn, Xiuye Gu, Meera Hahn, Li Fei-Fei, Irfan Essa, Lu Jiang, and José Lezama. </span> <span class="ltx_bibblock">Photorealistic video generation with diffusion models, 2023. </span> <span class="ltx_bibblock">URL https://arxiv.org/abs/2312.06662. </span></li>
    <li><span id="bib.bib10">Ha &amp; Schmidhuber (2018)</span>
    <span class="ltx_bibblock"> David Ha and Jürgen Schmidhuber. </span> <span class="ltx_bibblock">World models, 2018. </span></li>
    <li><span id="bib.bib11">Hafner et al. (2020)</span>
    <span class="ltx_bibblock"> Danijar Hafner, Timothy Lillicrap, Jimmy Ba, and Mohammad Norouzi. </span> <span class="ltx_bibblock">Dream to control: Learning behaviors by latent imagination, 2020. </span> <span class="ltx_bibblock">URL https://arxiv.org/abs/1912.01603. </span></li>
    <li><span id="bib.bib12">Ho &amp; Salimans (2022)</span>
    <span class="ltx_bibblock"> Jonathan Ho and Tim Salimans. </span> <span class="ltx_bibblock">Classifier-free diffusion guidance, 2022. </span> <span class="ltx_bibblock">URL https://arxiv.org/abs/2207.12598. </span></li>
    <li><span id="bib.bib13">Ho et al. (2021)</span>
    <span class="ltx_bibblock"> Jonathan Ho, Chitwan Saharia, William Chan, David J Fleet, Mohammad Norouzi, and Tim Salimans. </span> <span class="ltx_bibblock">Cascaded diffusion models for high fidelity image generation. </span> <span class="ltx_bibblock">''arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.15282'', 2021. </span></li>
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    * Kingma & Welling (2014) Diederik P. Kingma and Max Welling. Auto-Encoding Variational Bayes. In ''2nd International Conference on Learning Representations, ICLR 2014, Banff, AB, Canada, April 14-16, 2014, Conference Track Proceedings'', 2014.

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    * Menapace et al. (2021) Willi Menapace, Stéphane Lathuilière, Sergey Tulyakov, Aliaksandr Siarohin, and Elisa Ricci. Playable video generation, 2021. URL: [https://arxiv.org/abs/2101.12195](https://arxiv.org/abs/2101.12195).

    * Menapace et al. (2024) Willi Menapace, Aliaksandr Siarohin, Stéphane Lathuilière, Panos Achlioptas, Vladislav Golyanik, Sergey Tulyakov, and Elisa Ricci. Promptable game models: Text-guided game simulation via masked diffusion models. ''ACM Transactions on Graphics'', 43(2):1–16, January 2024. doi: [10.1145/3635705](http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3635705).

    <div class="ltx_pagination ltx_role_newpage">
    * Mildenhall et al. (2020) Ben Mildenhall, Pratul P. Srinivasan, Matthew Tancik, Jonathan T. Barron, Ravi Ramamoorthi, and Ren Ng. Nerf: Representing scenes as neural radiance fields for view synthesis. In ''ECCV'', 2020.

    * Mnih et al. (2015) Volodymyr Mnih, Koray Kavukcuoglu, David Silver, Andrei A. Rusu, Joel Veness, Marc G. Bellemare, Alex Graves, Martin A. Riedmiller, Andreas Kirkeby Fidjeland, Georg Ostrovski, Stig Petersen, Charlie Beattie, Amir Sadik, Ioannis Antonoglou, Helen King, Dharshan Kumaran, Daan Wierstra, Shane Legg, and Demis Hassabis. Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning. ''Nature'', 518:529–533, 2015. URL: [https://api.semanticscholar.org/CorpusID:205242740](https://api.semanticscholar.org/CorpusID:205242740).

    <div id="A1" class="section ltx_appendix">
    * Petric & Milinkovic (2018) Danko Petric and Marija Milinkovic. Comparison between cs and jpeg in terms of image compression, 2018. URL: [https://arxiv.org/abs/1802.05114](https://arxiv.org/abs/1802.05114).

    == <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_appendix">Appendix A </span>Appendix ==
    * Podell et al. (2023) Dustin Podell, Zion English, Kyle Lacey, Andreas Blattmann, Tim Dockhorn, Jonas Müller, Joe Penna, and Robin Rombach. Sdxl: Improving latent diffusion models for high-resolution image synthesis. ''arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.01952'', 2023.

    <div id="A1.SS1" class="section ltx_subsection">
    * Raffin et al. (2021) Antonin Raffin, Ashley Hill, Adam Gleave, Anssi Kanervisto, Maximilian Ernestus, and Noah Dormann. Stable-baselines3: Reliable reinforcement learning implementations. ''Journal of Machine Learning Research'', 22(268):1–8, 2021. URL: [http://jmlr.org/papers/v22/20-1364.html](http://jmlr.org/papers/v22/20-1364.html).

    === <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_subsection">A.1 </span>Samples ===
    * Ramesh et al. (2022) Aditya Ramesh, Prafulla Dhariwal, Alex Nichol, Casey Chu, and Mark Chen. Hierarchical text-conditional image generation with clip latents. ''arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.06125'', 2022.

    <div id="A1.SS1.p1" class="ltx_para">
    * Rombach et al. (2022) Robin Rombach, Andreas Blattmann, Dominik Lorenz, Patrick Esser, and Björn Ommer. High-resolution image synthesis with latent diffusion models. In ''Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern recognition'', pp. 10684–10695, 2022.

    Figs. [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#A1.F8 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">8</span>],[https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#A1.F9 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">9</span>],[https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#A1.F10 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">10</span>],[https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#A1.F11 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">11</span>] provide selected samples from GameNGen.
    * Saharia et al. (2022) Chitwan Saharia, William Chan, Saurabh Saxena, Lala Li, Jay Whang, Emily L Denton, Kamyar Ghasemipour, Raphael Gontijo Lopes, Burcu Karagol Ayan, Tim Salimans, et al. Photorealistic text-to-image diffusion models with deep language understanding. ''Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems'', 35:36479–36494, 2022.

    [[File:./Diffusion%20Models%20Are%20Real-Time%20Game%20Engines_files/context_1.png|frame|none|548x103px|class=ltx_graphics ltx_centering ltx_figure_panel ltx_img_landscape|alt=|caption <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_figure">Figure 8: </span><span id="A1.F8.2.1" class="ltx_text ltx_font_bold">Auto-regressive evaluation of the simulation model: Sample #1</span>. Top row: Context frames. Middle row: Ground truth frames. Bottom row: Model predictions.]]
    * Salimans & Ho (2022a) Tim Salimans and Jonathan Ho. Progressive distillation for fast sampling of diffusion models. In ''The Tenth International Conference on Learning Representations, ICLR 2022, Virtual Event, April 25-29, 2022''. OpenReview.net, 2022a. URL: [https://openreview.net/forum?id=TIdIXIpzhoI](https://openreview.net/forum?id=TIdIXIpzhoI).
    [[File:./Diffusion%20Models%20Are%20Real-Time%20Game%20Engines_files/context_3.png|frame|none|548x103px|class=ltx_graphics ltx_centering ltx_figure_panel ltx_img_landscape|alt=|caption <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_figure">Figure 9: </span><span id="A1.F9.2.1" class="ltx_text ltx_font_bold">Auto-regressive evaluation of the simulation model: Sample #2</span>. Top row: Context frames. Middle row: Ground truth frames. Bottom row: Model predictions.]]
    [[File:./Diffusion%20Models%20Are%20Real-Time%20Game%20Engines_files/context_5.png|frame|none|548x103px|class=ltx_graphics ltx_centering ltx_figure_panel ltx_img_landscape|alt=|caption <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_figure">Figure 10: </span><span id="A1.F10.2.1" class="ltx_text ltx_font_bold">Auto-regressive evaluation of the simulation model: Sample #3</span>. Top row: Context frames. Middle row: Ground truth frames. Bottom row: Model predictions.]]
    [[File:./Diffusion%20Models%20Are%20Real-Time%20Game%20Engines_files/context_7.png|frame|none|548x103px|class=ltx_graphics ltx_centering ltx_figure_panel ltx_img_landscape|alt=|caption <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_figure">Figure 11: </span><span id="A1.F11.2.1" class="ltx_text ltx_font_bold">Auto-regressive evaluation of the simulation model: Sample #4</span>. Top row: Context frames. Middle row: Ground truth frames. Bottom row: Model predictions.]]
    <div class="ltx_pagination ltx_role_newpage">
    <div id="A1.SS2" class="section ltx_subsection">
    === <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_subsection">A.2 </span>Fine-Tuning Latent Decoder Examples ===
    <div id="A1.SS2.p1" class="ltx_para">
    Fig. [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#A1.F12 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">12</span>] demonstrates the effect of fine-tuning the vae decoder.
    [[File:./Diffusion%20Models%20Are%20Real-Time%20Game%20Engines_files/fine_tuning_autoencoder.png|frame|none|548x742px|class=ltx_graphics ltx_centering ltx_img_portrait|alt=|caption <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_figure">Figure 12: </span>A comparison of generations with the standard latent decoder from Stable Diffusion v1.4 (Left), our fine-tuned decoder (Middle), and ground truth (Right). Artifacts in the frozen decoder are noticeable (e.g. in the numbers in the bottom HUD).]]
    <div class="ltx_pagination ltx_role_newpage">
    <div id="A1.SS3" class="section ltx_subsection">
    === <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_subsection">A.3 </span>Reward Function ===
    <div id="A1.SS3.p1" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    The RL-agent’s reward function, the only part of our method which is specific to the game Doom, is a sum of the following conditions:
    <div id="A1.SS3.p2" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    <li><span id="A1.I1.i1"><span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_item">1.</span></span>
    <div id="A1.I1.i1.p1" class="ltx_para">
    <p>Player hit: -100 points.</p>
    <li><span id="A1.I1.i2"><span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_item">2.</span></span>
    <div id="A1.I1.i2.p1" class="ltx_para">
    <p>Player death: -5,000 points.</p>
    <li><span id="A1.I1.i3"><span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_item">3.</span></span>
    <div id="A1.I1.i3.p1" class="ltx_para">
    <p>Enemy hit: 300 points.</p>
    <li><span id="A1.I1.i4"><span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_item">4.</span></span>
    <div id="A1.I1.i4.p1" class="ltx_para">
    <p>Enemy kill: 1,000 points.</p>
    <li><span id="A1.I1.i5"><span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_item">5.</span></span>
    <div id="A1.I1.i5.p1" class="ltx_para">
    <p>Item/weapon pick up: 100 points.</p>
    <li><span id="A1.I1.i6"><span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_item">6.</span></span>
    <div id="A1.I1.i6.p1" class="ltx_para">
    <p>Secret found: 500 points.</p>
    <li><span id="A1.I1.i7"><span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_item">7.</span></span>
    <div id="A1.I1.i7.p1" class="ltx_para">
    <p>New area: 20 * (1 + 0.5 * <math display="inline">L_{1}</math> distance) points.</p>
    <li><span id="A1.I1.i8"><span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_item">8.</span></span>
    <div id="A1.I1.i8.p1" class="ltx_para">
    <p>Health delta: 10 * delta points.</p>
    <li><span id="A1.I1.i9"><span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_item">9.</span></span>
    <div id="A1.I1.i9.p1" class="ltx_para">
    <p>Armor delta: 10 * delta points.</p>
    <li><span id="A1.I1.i10"><span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_item">10.</span></span>
    <div id="A1.I1.i10.p1" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    <p>Ammo delta: 10 * max(0, delta) + min(0, delta) points.</p>
    <div id="A1.SS3.p3" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    Further, to encourage the agent to simulate smooth human play, we apply each agent action for 4 frames and additionally artificially increase the probability of repeating the previous action.
    <div id="A1.SS4" class="section ltx_subsection">
    === <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_subsection">A.4 </span>Reducing Inference Steps ===
    <div id="A1.SS4.p1" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    We evaluated the performance of a GameNGen model with varying amounts of sampling steps when generating 2048 frames using teacher-forced trajectories on 35FPS data (the maximal sampling rate allowed by VizDoom, lower than the maximal rate our model achieves with distillation, see below). Surprisingly, we observe that quality does not deteriorate when decreasing the number of steps to 4, but does deteriorate when using just a single sampling step (see Table [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#A1.T3 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">3</span>]).
    <div id="A1.SS4.p2" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    As a potential remedy, we experimented with distilling our model, following Wang et al. ([https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib36 2023]) and Yin et al. ([https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib39 2024]). During distillation training we use 3 U-Nets, all initialized with a GameNGen model: generator, teacher, and fake-score model. The teacher remains frozen throughout the training. The fake-score model is continuously trained to predict the outputs of the generator with the standard diffusion loss. To train the generator, we use the teacher and the fake-score model to predict the noise added to an input image - <math display="inline">\epsilon_{\text{real}}</math> and <math display="inline">\epsilon_{\text{fake}}</math>. We optimize the weights of the generator to minimize the generator gradient value at each pixel weighted by <math display="inline">\epsilon_{\text{real}} - \epsilon_{\text{fake}}</math>. When distilling we use a CFG of 1.5 to generate <math display="inline">\epsilon_{\text{real}}</math>. We train for 1000 steps with a batch size of 128. Note that unlike Yin et al. ([https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#bib.bib39 2024]) we train with varying amounts of noise and do not use a regularization loss (we hope to explore other distillation variants in future work). With distillation we are able to significantly improve the quality of a 1-step model (see “D” in Table [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#A1.T3 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">3</span>]), enabling running the game at 50FPS, albeit with a small impact to quality.
    <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_table">Table 3: </span><span id="A1.T3.20.1" class="ltx_text ltx_font_bold">Generation with Varying Sampling Steps.</span> We evaluate the generation quality of a GameNGen model with an increasing number of steps using PSNR and LPIPS metrics. “D” marks a 1-step distilled model.
    <div id="A1.T3.18" class="ltx_inline-block ltx_align_center ltx_transformed_outer" style="width:198.7pt;height:171pt;vertical-align:-0.0pt;">
    <span class="ltx_transformed_inner" style="transform:translate(5.2pt,-4.5pt) scale(1.05558137708566,1.05558137708566) ;"> </span>
    ! Steps
    ! PSNR <math display="inline">\uparrow</math>
    ! LPIPS <math display="inline">\downarrow</math>
    | D
    | <math display="inline">31.10 \pm 0.098</math>
    | <math display="inline">0.208 \pm 0.002</math>
    | 1
    | <math display="inline">25.47 \pm 0.098</math>
    | <math display="inline">0.255 \pm 0.002</math>
    | 2
    | <math display="inline">31.91 \pm 0.104</math>
    | <math display="inline">0.205 \pm 0.002</math>
    | 4
    | <math display="inline">32.58 \pm 0.108</math>
    | <math display="inline">0.198 \pm 0.002</math>
    | 8
    | <math display="inline">32.55 \pm 0.110</math>
    | <math display="inline">0.196 \pm 0.002</math>
    | 16
    | <math display="inline">32.44 \pm 0.110</math>
    | <math display="inline">0.196 \pm 0.002</math>
    | 32
    | <math display="inline">32.32 \pm 0.110</math>
    | <math display="inline">0.196 \pm 0.002</math>
    | 64
    | <math display="inline">32.19 \pm 0.110</math>
    | <math display="inline">0.197 \pm 0.002</math>

    * Salimans & Ho (2022b) Tim Salimans and Jonathan Ho. Progressive distillation for fast sampling of diffusion models, 2022b. URL: [https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.00512](https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.00512).

    * Schulman et al. (2017) John Schulman, Filip Wolski, Prafulla Dhariwal, Alec Radford, and Oleg Klimov. Proximal policy optimization algorithms. ''CoRR'', abs/1707.06347, 2017. URL: [http://arxiv.org/abs/1707.06347](http://arxiv.org/abs/1707.06347).

    <div id="A1.SS5" class="section ltx_subsection">
    * Shazeer & Stern (2018) Noam Shazeer and Mitchell Stern. Adafactor: Adaptive learning rates with sublinear memory cost. ''CoRR'', abs/1804.04235, 2018. URL: [http://arxiv.org/abs/1804.04235](http://arxiv.org/abs/1804.04235).

    === <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_subsection">A.5 </span>Agent vs Random Policy ===
    * Shirley & Morley (2008) P. Shirley and R.K. Morley. ''Realistic Ray Tracing, Second Edition''. Taylor & Francis, 2008. ISBN 9781568814612. URL: [https://books.google.ch/books?id=knpN6mnhJ8QC](https://books.google.ch/books?id=knpN6mnhJ8QC).

    <div id="A1.SS5.p1" class="ltx_para ltx_noindent">
    * Song et al. (2020) Jiaming Song, Chenlin Meng, and Stefano Ermon. Denoising diffusion implicit models. ''arXiv:2010.02502'', October 2020. URL: [https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.02502](https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.02502).

    Figure [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#A1.F13 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">13</span>] shows the PSNR values compared to ground truth for a model train on the RL-agent’s data and a model trained on the data from a random policy, after 3 second of auto-regressive generation, for a short session of human play. We observe that the agent is sometimes comparable to and sometime much better than the random policy.
    * Song et al. (2022) Jiaming Song, Chenlin Meng, and Stefano Ermon. Denoising diffusion implicit models, 2022. URL: [https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.02502](https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.02502).

    [[File:./Diffusion%20Models%20Are%20Real-Time%20Game%20Engines_files/psnr_over_trajectory.png|frame|none|548x284px|class=ltx_graphics ltx_centering ltx_img_landscape|alt=|caption <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_figure">Figure 13: </span>The PSNR values compared to ground truth for the agent (orange) and random (blue) after 3 second of auto-regressive generation for a short session of human play smoothed with an EMA factor of 0.05.]]
    * Unterthiner et al. (2019) Thomas Unterthiner, Sjoerd van Steenkiste, Karol Kurach, Raphaël Marinier, Marcin Michalski, and Sylvain Gelly. FVD: A new metric for video generation. In ''Deep Generative Models for Highly Structured Data, ICLR 2019 Workshop, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States, May 6, 2019'', 2019.

    <div id="A1.SS6" class="section ltx_subsection">
    * Wang et al. (2023) Zhengyi Wang, Cheng Lu, Yikai Wang, Fan Bao, Chongxuan Li, Hang Su, and Jun Zhu. Prolificdreamer: High-fidelity and diverse text-to-3d generation with variational score distillation. ''arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.16213'', 2023.

    === <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_subsection">A.6 </span>Human Eval Tool ===
    * Wydmuch et al. (2019) Marek Wydmuch, Michał Kempka, and Wojciech Jaśkowski. ViZDoom Competitions: Playing Doom from Pixels. ''IEEE Transactions on Games'', 11(3):248–259, 2019. doi: [10.1109/TG.2018.2877047](http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TG.2018.2877047).

    <div id="A1.SS6.p1" class="ltx_para">
    * Yang et al. (2023) Mengjiao Yang, Yilun Du, Kamyar Ghasemipour, Jonathan Tompson, Dale Schuurmans, and Pieter Abbeel. Learning interactive real-world simulators. ''arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.06114'', 2023.

    Figure [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#A1.F14 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">14</span>] depicts a screenshot of the tool used for the human evaluations (Section [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S5.SS1 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">5.1</span>]).
    * Yin et al. (2024) Tianwei Yin, Michaël Gharbi, Richard Zhang, Eli Shechtman, Frédo Durand, William T Freeman, and Taesung Park. One-step diffusion with distribution matching distillation. In ''CVPR'', 2024.

    [[File:./Diffusion%20Models%20Are%20Real-Time%20Game%20Engines_files/eval_tool.png|frame|none|548x266px|class=ltx_graphics ltx_centering ltx_img_landscape|alt=|caption <span class="ltx_tag ltx_tag_figure">Figure 14: </span>A screenshot of the tool used for human evaluations (see Section [https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#S5.SS1 <span class="ltx_text ltx_ref_tag">5.1</span>]).]]
    * Zhang et al. (2018) Richard Zhang, Phillip Isola, Alexei A. Efros, Eli Shechtman, and Oliver Wang. The unreasonable effectiveness of deep features as a perceptual metric. In ''CVPR'', 2018.

    == Appendix A Appendix == <!--T:139-->

    </div><div class="keyboard-glossary">
    === A.1 Samples === <!--T:140-->

    Figs. [8](https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#A1.F8), [9](https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#A1.F9), [10](https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#A1.F10), [11](https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#A1.F11) provide selected samples from GameNGen.

    [[File:2408.14837.figure.8.png|center|thumb|800x800px|Auto-regressive evaluation of the simulation model: Sample #1. Top row: Context frames. Middle row: Ground truth frames. Bottom row: Model predictions.]]

    Latest revision as of 03:34, 7 September 2024

    Other languages:

    Authors: Dani Valevski (Google Research), Yaniv Leviathan (Google Research), Moab Arar (Tel Aviv University), Shlomi Fruchter (Google DeepMind)

    ArXiv Link: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.14837

    Project Website: https://gamengen.github.io


    We present GameNGen, the first game engine powered entirely by a neural model that enables real-time interaction with a complex environment over long trajectories at high quality. GameNGen can interactively simulate the classic game DOOM at over 20 frames per second on a single TPU. Next frame prediction achieves a PSNR of 29.4, comparable to lossy JPEG compression. Human raters are only slightly better than random chance at distinguishing short clips of the game from clips of the simulation. GameNGen is trained in two phases: (1) an RL-agent learns to play the game and the training sessions are recorded, and (2) a diffusion model is trained to produce the next frame, conditioned on the sequence of past frames and actions. Conditioning augmentations enable stable auto-regressive generation over long trajectories.

    Figure 1: A human player is playing DOOM on GameNGen at 20 FPS.

    See https://gamengen.github.io for demo videos.

    1 Introduction

    Computer games are manually crafted software systems centered around the following game loop: (1) gather user inputs, (2) update the game state, and (3) render it to screen pixels. This game loop, running at high frame rates, creates the illusion of an interactive virtual world for the player. Such game loops are classically run on standard computers, and while there have been many amazing attempts at running games on bespoke hardware (e.g. the iconic game DOOM has been run on kitchen appliances such as a toaster and a microwave, a treadmill, a camera, an iPod, and within the game of Minecraft, to name just a few examples - See https://www.reddit.com/r/itrunsdoom/), in all of these cases, the hardware is still emulating the manually written game software as-is. Furthermore, while vastly different game engines exist, the game state updates and rendering logic in all are composed of a set of manual rules, programmed or configured by hand.

    In recent years, generative models made significant progress in producing images and videos conditioned on multi-modal inputs, such as text or images. At the forefront of this wave, diffusion models became the de-facto standard in media (i.e., non-language) generation, with works like Dall-E (Ramesh et al., 2022), Stable Diffusion (Rombach et al., 2022), and Sora (Brooks et al., 2024). At a glance, simulating the interactive worlds of video games may seem similar to video generation. However, interactive world simulation is more than just very fast video generation. The requirement to condition on a stream of input actions that is only available throughout the generation breaks some assumptions of existing diffusion model architectures. Notably, it requires generating frames autoregressively, which tends to be unstable and leads to sampling divergence (see section 3.2.1).

    Several important works (Ha & Schmidhuber, 2018; Kim et al., 2020; Bruce et al., 2024) (see Section 6) simulate interactive video games with neural models. Nevertheless, most of these approaches are limited in respect to the complexity of the simulated games, simulation speed, stability over long time periods, or visual quality (see Figure 2). It is therefore natural to ask:

    Can a neural model running in real-time simulate a complex game at high quality?

    In this work, we demonstrate that the answer is yes. Specifically, we show that a complex video game, the iconic game DOOM, can be run on a neural network (an augmented version of the open Stable Diffusion v1.4 (Rombach et al., 2022)), in real-time, while achieving a visual quality comparable to that of the original game. While not an exact simulation, the neural model is able to perform complex game state updates, such as tallying health and ammo, attacking enemies, damaging objects, opening doors, and persisting the game state over long trajectories.

    GameNGen answers one of the important questions on the road towards a new paradigm for game engines, one where games are automatically generated, similarly to how images and videos are generated by neural models in recent years. Key questions remain, such as how these neural game engines would be trained and how games would be effectively created in the first place, including how to best leverage human inputs. We are nevertheless extremely excited for the possibilities of this new paradigm.

    Figure 2: GameNGen compared to prior state-of-the-art simulations of DOOM.

    2 Interactive World Simulation

    An Interactive Environment consists of a space of latent states , a space of partial projections of the latent space , a partial projection function , a set of actions , and a transition probability function such that .

    For example, in the case of the game DOOM, is the program’s dynamic memory contents, is the rendered screen pixels, is the game’s rendering logic, is the set of key presses and mouse movements, and is the program’s logic given the player’s input (including any potential non-determinism).

    Given an input interactive environment , and an initial state , an Interactive World Simulation is a simulation distribution function . Given a distance metric between observations , a policy, i.e., a distribution on agent actions given past actions and observations , a distribution on initial states, and a distribution on episode lengths, the Interactive World Simulation objective consists of minimizing where , , and are sampled observations from the environment and the simulation when enacting the agent’s policy . Importantly, the conditioning actions for these samples are always obtained by the agent interacting with the environment , while the conditioning observations can either be obtained from (the teacher forcing objective) or from the simulation (the auto-regressive objective).

    We always train our generative model with the teacher forcing objective. Given a simulation distribution function , the environment can be simulated by auto-regressively sampling observations.

    3 GameNGen

    GameNGen (pronounced “game engine”) is a generative diffusion model that learns to simulate the game under the settings of Section 2. In order to collect training data for this model, with the teacher forcing objective, we first train a separate model to interact with the environment. The two models (agent and generative) are trained in sequence. The entirety of the agent’s actions and observations corpus during training is maintained and becomes the training dataset for the generative model in a second stage. See Figure 3.

    Figure 3: GameNGen method overview. v-prediction details are omitted for brevity.

    3.1 Data Collection via Agent Play

    Our end goal is to have human players interact with our simulation. To that end, the policy as in Section 2 is that of human gameplay. Since we cannot sample from that directly at scale, we start by approximating it via teaching an automatic agent to play. Unlike a typical RL setup which attempts to maximize game score, our goal is to generate training data which resembles human play, or at least contains enough diverse examples, in a variety of scenarios, to maximize training data efficiency. To that end, we design a simple reward function, which is the only part of our method that is environment-specific (see Appendix A.3).

    We record the agent’s training trajectories throughout the entire training process, which includes different skill levels of play. This set of recorded trajectories is our dataset, used for training the generative model (see Section 3.2).

    3.2 Training the Generative Diffusion Model

    We now train a generative diffusion model conditioned on the agent’s trajectories (actions and observations) collected during the previous stage.

    We re-purpose a pre-trained text-to-image diffusion model, Stable Diffusion v1.4 (Rombach et al., 2022). We condition the model on trajectories , i.e., on a sequence of previous actions and observations (frames) and remove all text conditioning. Specifically, to condition on actions, we simply learn an embedding from each action (e.g., a specific key press) into a single token and replace the cross attention from the text into this encoded actions sequence. In order to condition on observations (i.e., previous frames), we encode them into latent space using the auto-encoder and concatenate them in the latent channels dimension to the noised latents (see Figure 3). We also experimented conditioning on these past observations via cross-attention but observed no meaningful improvements.

    We train the model to minimize the diffusion loss with velocity parameterization (Salimans & Ho, 2022b):


    where , , , , , , and is the v-prediction output of the model . The noise schedule is linear, similarly to Rombach et al. (2022).

    3.2.1 Mitigating Auto-Regressive Drift Using Noise Augmentation

    The domain shift between training with teacher-forcing and auto-regressive sampling leads to error accumulation and fast degradation in sample quality, as demonstrated in Figure 4. To avoid this divergence due to auto-regressive application of the model, we corrupt context frames by adding a varying amount of Gaussian noise to encoded frames in training time, while providing the noise level as input to the model, following Ho et al. (2021). To that effect, we sample a noise level uniformly up to a maximal value, discretize it and learn an embedding for each bucket (see Figure 3). This allows the network to correct information sampled in previous frames, and is critical for preserving frame quality over time. During inference, the added noise level can be controlled to maximize quality, although we find that even with no added noise the results are significantly improved. We ablate the impact of this method in section 5.2.2.

    Figure 4: Auto-regressive drift. Top: we present every 10th frame of a simple trajectory with 50 frames in which the player is not moving. Quality degrades fast after 20-30 steps. Bottom: the same trajectory with noise augmentation does not suffer from quality degradation.

    3.2.2 Latent Decoder Fine-tuning

    The pre-trained auto-encoder of Stable Diffusion v1.4, which compresses 8x8 pixel patches into 4 latent channels, results in meaningful artifacts when predicting game frames, which affect small details and particularly the bottom bar HUD (“heads up display”). To leverage the pre-trained knowledge while improving image quality, we train just the decoder of the latent auto-encoder using an MSE loss computed against the target frame pixels. It might be possible to improve quality even further using a perceptual loss such as LPIPS (Zhang et al. (2018)), which we leave to future work. Importantly, note that this fine-tuning process happens completely separately from the U-Net fine-tuning, and that notably the auto-regressive generation isn’t affected by it (we only condition auto-regressively on the latents, not the pixels). Appendix A.2 shows examples of generations with and without fine-tuning the auto-encoder.

    3.3 Inference

    3.3.1 Setup

    We use DDIM sampling (Song et al., 2022). We employ Classifier-Free Guidance (Ho & Salimans, 2022) only for the past observations condition . We didn’t find guidance for the past actions condition to improve quality. The weight we use is relatively small (1.5) as larger weights create artifacts which increase due to our auto-regressive sampling.

    We also experimented with generating 4 samples in parallel and combining the results, with the hope of preventing rare extreme predictions from being accepted and to reduce error accumulation. We experimented both with averaging the samples and with choosing the sample closest to the median. Averaging performed slightly worse than single frame, and choosing the closest to the median performed only negligibly better. Since both increase the hardware requirements to 4 TPUs, we opt to not use them, but note that this might be an interesting area for future work.

    3.3.2 Denoiser Sampling Steps

    During inference, we need to run both the U-Net denoiser (for a number of steps) and the auto-encoder. On our hardware configuration (a TPU-v5), a single denoiser step and an evaluation of the auto-encoder both takes 10ms. If we ran our model with a single denoiser step, the minimum total latency possible in our setup would be 20ms per frame, or 50 frames per second. Usually, generative diffusion models, such as Stable Diffusion, don’t produce high quality results with a single denoising step, and instead require dozens of sampling steps to generate a high-quality image. Surprisingly, we found that we can robustly simulate DOOM, with only 4 DDIM sampling steps (Song et al., 2020). In fact, we observe no degradation in simulation quality when using 4 sampling steps vs 20 steps or more (see Appendix A.4).

    Using just 4 denoising steps leads to a total U-Net cost of 40ms (and total inference cost of 50ms, including the auto encoder) or 20 frames per second. We hypothesize that the negligible impact to quality with few steps in our case stems from a combination of: (1) a constrained images space, and (2) strong conditioning by the previous frames.

    Since we do observe degradation when using just a single sampling step, we also experimented with model distillation similarly to (Yin et al., 2024; Wang et al., 2023) in the single-step setting. Distillation does help substantially there (allowing us to reach 50 FPS as above), but still comes at some cost to simulation quality, so we opt to use the 4-step version without distillation for our method (see Appendix A.4). This is an interesting area for further research.

    We note that it is trivial to further increase the image generation rate substantially by parallelizing the generation of several frames on additional hardware, similarly to NVidia’s classic SLI Alternate Frame Rendering (AFR) technique. Similarly to AFR, the actual simulation rate would not increase and input lag would not reduce.

    4 Experimental Setup

    4.1 Agent Training

    The agent model is trained using PPO (Schulman et al., 2017), with a simple CNN as the feature network, following Mnih et al. (2015). It is trained on CPU using the Stable Baselines 3 infrastructure (Raffin et al., 2021). The agent is provided with downscaled versions of the frame images and in-game map, each at resolution 160x120. The agent also has access to the last 32 actions it performed. The feature network computes a representation of size 512 for each image. PPO’s actor and critic are 2-layer MLP heads on top of a concatenation of the outputs of the image feature network and the sequence of past actions. We train the agent to play the game using the Vizdoom environment (Wydmuch et al., 2019). We run 8 games in parallel, each with a replay buffer size of 512, a discount factor , and an entropy coefficient of . In each iteration, the network is trained using a batch size of 64 for 10 epochs, with a learning rate of 1e-4. We perform a total of 10M environment steps.

    4.2 Generative Model Training

    We train all simulation models from a pretrained checkpoint of Stable Diffusion 1.4, unfreezing all U-Net parameters. We use a batch size of 128 and a constant learning rate of 2e-5, with the Adafactor optimizer without weight decay (Shazeer & Stern, 2018) and gradient clipping of 1.0. We change the diffusion loss parameterization to be v-prediction (Salimans & Ho 2022a). The context frames condition is dropped with probability 0.1 to allow CFG during inference. We train using 128 TPU-v5e devices with data parallelization. Unless noted otherwise, all results in the paper are after 700,000 training steps. For noise augmentation (Section 3.2.1), we use a maximal noise level of 0.7, with 10 embedding buckets. We use a batch size of 2,048 for optimizing the latent decoder; other training parameters are identical to those of the denoiser. For training data, we use all trajectories played by the agent during RL training as well as evaluation data during training, unless mentioned otherwise. Overall, we generate 900M frames for training. All image frames (during training, inference, and conditioning) are at a resolution of 320x240 padded to 320x256. We use a context length of 64 (i.e., the model is provided its own last 64 predictions as well as the last 64 actions).

    5 Results

    5.1 Simulation Quality

    Overall, our method achieves a simulation quality comparable to the original game over long trajectories in terms of image quality. For short trajectories, human raters are only slightly better than random chance at distinguishing between clips of the simulation and the actual game.

    Image Quality. We measure LPIPS (Zhang et al., 2018) and PSNR using the teacher-forcing setup described in Section 2, where we sample an initial state and predict a single frame based on a trajectory of ground-truth past observations. When evaluated over a random holdout of 2048 trajectories taken in 5 different levels, our model achieves a PSNR of and an LPIPS of . The PSNR value is similar to lossy JPEG compression with quality settings of 20-30 (Petric & Milinkovic, 2018). Figure 5 shows examples of model predictions and the corresponding ground truth samples.

    Figure 5: Model predictions vs. ground truth. Only the last 4 frames of the past observations context are shown.

    Video Quality. We use the auto-regressive setup described in Section 2, where we iteratively sample frames following the sequences of actions defined by the ground-truth trajectory, while conditioning the model on its own past predictions. When sampled auto-regressively, the predicted and ground-truth trajectories often diverge after a few steps, mostly due to the accumulation of small amounts of different movement velocities between frames in each trajectory. For that reason, per-frame PSNR and LPIPS values gradually decrease and increase respectively, as can be seen in Figure 6. The predicted trajectory is still similar to the actual game in terms of content and image quality, but per-frame metrics are limited in their ability to capture this (see Appendix A.1 for samples of auto-regressively generated trajectories).

    Figure 6: Auto-regressive evaluation. PSNR metrics over 64 auto-regressive steps.
    Figure 6: Auto-regressive evaluation. LPIPS metrics over 64 auto-regressive steps.

    We therefore measure the FVD (Unterthiner et al., 2019) computed over a random holdout of 512 trajectories, measuring the distance between the predicted and ground truth trajectory distributions, for simulations of length 16 frames (0.8 seconds) and 32 frames (1.6 seconds). For 16 frames, our model obtains an FVD of . For 32 frames, our model obtains an FVD of .

    Human Evaluation. As another measurement of simulation quality, we provided 10 human raters with 130 random short clips (of lengths 1.6 seconds and 3.2 seconds) of our simulation side by side with the real game. The raters were tasked with recognizing the real game (see Figure 14 in Appendix A.6). The raters only choose the actual game over the simulation in 58% or 60% of the time (for the 1.6 seconds and 3.2 seconds clips, respectively).

    5.2 Ablations

    To evaluate the importance of the different components of our methods, we sample trajectories from the evaluation dataset and compute LPIPS and PSNR metrics between the ground truth and the predicted frames.

    5.2.1 Context Length

    We evaluate the impact of changing the number of past observations in the conditioning context by training models with (recall that our method uses ). This affects both the number of historical frames and actions. We train the models for 200,000 steps keeping the decoder frozen and evaluate on test-set trajectories from 5 levels. See the results in Table 1. As expected, we observe that generation quality improves with the length of the context. Interestingly, we observe that while the improvement is large at first (e.g., between 1 and 2 frames), we quickly approach an asymptote and further increasing the context size provides only small improvements in quality. This is somewhat surprising as even with our maximal context length, the model only has access to a little over 3 seconds of history. Notably, we observe that much of the game state is persisted for much longer periods (see Section 7). While the length of the conditioning context is an important limitation, Table 1 hints that we’d likely need to change the architecture of our model to efficiently support longer contexts, and employ better selection of the past frames to condition on, which we leave for future work.

    Table 1: Number of history frames. We ablate the number of history frames used as context using 8912 test-set examples from 5 levels. More frames generally improve both PSNR and LPIPS metrics.

    History Context Length PSNR LPIPS

    5.2.2 Noise Augmentation

    To ablate the impact of noise augmentation, we train a model without added noise. We evaluate both our standard model with noise augmentation and the model without added noise (after 200k training steps) auto-regressively and compute PSNR and LPIPS metrics between the predicted frames and the ground-truth over a random holdout of 512 trajectories. We report average metric values for each auto-regressive step up to a total of 64 frames in Figure 7.

    Without noise augmentation, LPIPS distance from the ground truth increases rapidly compared to our standard noise-augmented model, while PSNR drops, indicating a divergence of the simulation from ground truth.

    Figure 7: Impact of Noise Augmentation. The plots show average LPIPS (lower is better) values for each auto-regressive step. When noise augmentation is not used, quality degrades quickly after 10-20 frames. This is prevented by noise augmentation.
    Figure 7: Impact of Noise Augmentation. The plots show average PSNR (higher is better) values for each auto-regressive step. When noise augmentation is not used, quality degrades quickly after 10-20 frames. This is prevented by noise augmentation.

    5.2.3 Agent Play

    We compare training on agent-generated data to training on data generated using a random policy. For the random policy, we sample actions following a uniform categorical distribution that doesn’t depend on the observations. We compare the random and agent datasets by training 2 models for 700k steps along with their decoder. The models are evaluated on a dataset of 2048 human-play trajectories from 5 levels. We compare the first frame of generation, conditioned on a history context of 64 ground-truth frames, as well as a frame after 3 seconds of auto-regressive generation.

    Overall, we observe that training the model on random trajectories works surprisingly well, but is limited by the exploration ability of the random policy. When comparing the single frame generation, the agent works only slightly better, achieving a PSNR of 25.06 vs 24.42 for the random policy. When comparing a frame after 3 seconds of auto-regressive generation, the difference increases to 19.02 vs 16.84. When playing with the model manually, we observe that some areas are very easy for both, some areas are very hard for both, and in some, the agent performs much better. With that, we manually split 456 examples into 3 buckets: easy, medium, and hard, manually, based on their distance from the starting position in the game. We observe that on the easy and hard sets, the agent performs only slightly better than random, while on the medium set, the difference is much larger in favor of the agent as expected (see Table 2). See Figure 13 in Appendix A.5 for an example of the scores during a single session of human play.

    Table 2: Performance on Different Difficulty Levels. We compare the performance of models trained using Agent-generated and Random-generated data across easy, medium, and hard splits of the dataset. Easy and medium have 112 items, hard has 232 items. Metrics are computed for each trajectory on a single frame after 3 seconds.

    Difficulty Level Data Generation Policy PSNR LPIPS
    Easy Agent
    Medium Agent
    Hard Agent

    6 Related Work

    Interactive 3D Simulation

    Simulating visual and physical processes of 2D and 3D environments and allowing interactive exploration of them is an extensively developed field in computer graphics (Akenine-Möller et al., 2018). Game Engines, such as Unreal and Unity, are software that processes representations of scene geometry and renders a stream of images in response to user interactions. The game engine is responsible for keeping track of all world state, e.g., the player position and movement, objects, character animation, and lighting. It also tracks the game logic, e.g., points gained by accomplishing game objectives. Film and television productions use variants of ray-tracing (Shirley & Morley, 2008), which are too slow and compute-intensive for real-time applications. In contrast, game engines must keep a very high frame rate (typically 30-60 FPS), and therefore rely on highly-optimized polygon rasterization, often accelerated by GPUs. Physical effects such as shadows, particles, and lighting are often implemented using efficient heuristics rather than physically accurate simulation.

    Neural 3D Simulation

    Neural methods for reconstructing 3D representations have made significant advances over the last years. NeRFs (Mildenhall et al., 2020) parameterize radiance fields using a deep neural network that is specifically optimized for a given scene from a set of images taken from various camera poses. Once trained, novel points of view of the scene can be sampled using volume rendering methods. Gaussian Splatting (Kerbl et al., 2023) approaches build on NeRFs but represent scenes using 3D Gaussians and adapted rasterization methods, unlocking faster training and rendering times. While demonstrating impressive reconstruction results and real-time interactivity, these methods are often limited to static scenes.

    Video Diffusion Models

    Diffusion models achieved state-of-the-art results in text-to-image generation (Saharia et al., 2022; Rombach et al., 2022; Ramesh et al., 2022; Podell et al., 2023), a line of work that has also been applied for text-to-video generation tasks (Ho et al., 2022; Blattmann et al., 2023b; a; Gupta et al., 2023; Girdhar et al., 2023; Bar-Tal et al., 2024). Despite impressive advancements in realism, text adherence, and temporal consistency, video diffusion models remain too slow for real-time applications. Our work extends this line of work and adapts it for real-time generation conditioned autoregressively on a history of past observations and actions.

    Game Simulation and World Models

    Several works attempted to train models for game simulation with actions inputs. Yang et al. (2023) build a diverse dataset of real-world and simulated videos and train a diffusion model to predict a continuation video given a previous video segment and a textual description of an action. Menapace et al. (2021) and Bruce et al. (2024) focus on unsupervised learning of actions from videos. Menapace et al. (2024) converts textual prompts to game states, which are later converted to a 3D representation using NeRF. Unlike these works, we focus on interactive playable real-time simulation, and demonstrate robustness over long-horizon trajectories. We leverage an RL agent to explore the game environment and create rollouts of observations and interactions for training our interactive game model. Another line of work explored learning a predictive model of the environment and using it for training an RL agent. Ha & Schmidhuber (2018) train a Variational Auto-Encoder (Kingma & Welling, 2014) to encode game frames into a latent vector, and then use an RNN to mimic the VizDoom game environment, training on random rollouts from a random policy (i.e., selecting an action at random). Then a controller policy is learned by playing within the “hallucinated” environment. Hafner et al. (2020) demonstrate that an RL agent can be trained entirely on episodes generated by a learned world model in latent space. Also close to our work is Kim et al. (2020), which uses an LSTM architecture for modeling the world state, coupled with a convolutional decoder for producing output frames and jointly trained under an adversarial objective. While this approach seems to produce reasonable results for simple games like PacMan, it struggles with simulating the complex environment of VizDoom and produces blurry samples. In contrast, GameNGen is able to generate samples comparable to those of the original game; see Figure 2. Finally, concurrently with our work, Alonso et al. (2024) train a diffusion world model to predict the next observation given observation history, and iteratively train the world model and an RL model on Atari games.


    When DOOM was released in 1993, it revolutionized the gaming industry. Introducing groundbreaking 3D graphics technology, it became a cornerstone of the first-person shooter genre, influencing countless other games. DOOM was studied by numerous research works. It provides an open-source implementation and a native resolution that is low enough for small-sized models to simulate while being complex enough to be a challenging test case. Finally, the authors have spent countless youth hours with the game. It was a trivial choice to use it in this work.

    7 Discussion

    Summary. We introduced GameNGen and demonstrated that high-quality real-time gameplay at 20 frames per second is possible on a neural model. We also provided a recipe for converting an interactive piece of software such as a computer game into a neural model.

    Limitations. GameNGen suffers from a limited amount of memory. The model only has access to a little over 3 seconds of history, so it’s remarkable that much of the game logic is persisted for drastically longer time horizons. While some of the game state is persisted through screen pixels (e.g., ammo and health tallies, available weapons, etc.), the model likely learns strong heuristics that allow meaningful generalizations. For example, from the rendered view, the model learns to infer the player’s location, and from the ammo and health tallies, the model might infer whether the player has already been through an area and defeated the enemies there. That said, it’s easy to create situations where this context length is not enough. Continuing to increase the context size with our existing architecture yields only marginal benefits (Section 5.2.1), and the model’s short context length remains an important limitation. The second important limitation is the remaining differences between the agent’s behavior and those of human players. For example, our agent, even at the end of training, still does not explore all of the game’s locations and interactions, leading to erroneous behavior in those cases.

    Future Work. We demonstrate GameNGen on the classic game DOOM. It would be interesting to test it on other games or more generally on other interactive software systems. We note that nothing in our technique is DOOM specific except for the reward function for the RL-agent. We plan on addressing that in future work. While GameNGen manages to maintain game state accurately, it isn’t perfect, as per the discussion above. A more sophisticated architecture might be needed to mitigate these issues. GameNGen currently has a limited capability to leverage more than a minimal amount of memory. Experimenting with further expanding the memory effectively could be critical for more complex games/software. GameNGen runs at 20 or 50 FPS22Faster than the original game DOOM ran on some of the authors’ 80386 machines at the time! on a TPUv5. It would be interesting to experiment with further optimization techniques to get it to run at higher frame rates and on consumer hardware.

    Towards a New Paradigm for Interactive Video Games. Today, video games are programmed by humans. GameNGen is a proof-of-concept for one part of a new paradigm where games are weights of a neural model, not lines of code. GameNGen shows that an architecture and model weights exist such that a neural model can effectively run a complex game (DOOM) interactively on existing hardware. While many important questions remain, we are hopeful that this paradigm could have important benefits. For example, the development process for video games under this new paradigm might be less costly and more accessible, whereby games could be developed and edited via textual descriptions or example images. A small part of this vision, namely creating modifications or novel behaviors for existing games, might be achievable in the shorter term. For example, we might be able to convert a set of frames into a new playable level or create a new character just based on example images, without having to author code. Other advantages of this new paradigm include strong guarantees on frame rates and memory footprints. We have not experimented with these directions yet and much more work is required here, but we are excited to try! Hopefully, this small step will someday contribute to a meaningful improvement in people’s experience with video games, or maybe even more generally, in day-to-day interactions with interactive software systems.


    We’d like to extend a huge thank you to Eyal Segalis, Eyal Molad, Matan Kalman, Nataniel Ruiz, Amir Hertz, Matan Cohen, Yossi Matias, Yael Pritch, Danny Lumen, Valerie Nygaard, the Theta Labs and Google Research teams, and our families for insightful feedback, ideas, suggestions, and support.


    • Dani Valevski: Developed much of the codebase, tuned parameters and details across the system, added autoencoder fine-tuning, agent training, and distillation.
    • Yaniv Leviathan: Proposed project, method, and architecture, developed the initial implementation, key contributor to implementation and writing.
    • Moab Arar: Led auto-regressive stabilization with noise-augmentation, many of the ablations, and created the dataset of human-play data.
    • Shlomi Fruchter: Proposed project, method, and architecture. Project leadership, initial implementation using DOOM, main manuscript writing, evaluation metrics, random policy data pipeline.

    Correspondence to shlomif@google.com and leviathan@google.com.


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    Appendix A Appendix

    A.1 Samples

    Figs. [8](https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#A1.F8), [9](https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#A1.F9), [10](https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#A1.F10), [11](https://arxiv.org/html/2408.14837v1#A1.F11) provide selected samples from GameNGen.

    Auto-regressive evaluation of the simulation model: Sample #1. Top row: Context frames. Middle row: Ground truth frames. Bottom row: Model predictions.