Translations:FACTS About Building Retrieval Augmented Generation-based Chatbots/9/en
At NVIDIA, our main motivation was to improve our employee productivity by building enterprise chatbots. Our initial enthusiasm quickly met with the reality of addressing numerous challenges. We learned that crafting a successful enterprise chatbot, even in the post Chat-GPT era, while promising, is not easy. The process demands meticulous engineering of RAG pipelines, fine-tuning LLMs, and engineering prompts, ensuring relevancy and accuracy of enterprise knowledge, honoring document access control permissions, providing concise responses, including pertinent references, and safeguarding personal information. All of these require careful design, skillful execution, and thorough evaluation, demanding many iterations. Additionally, maintaining user engagement while optimizing for speed and cost-efficiency is essential. Through our journey, we learned that getting an enterprise conversational virtual assistant right is akin to achieving a perfect symphony where every note carries significance!