Translations:Diffusion Models Are Real-Time Game Engines/90/en

    From Marovi AI
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    Limitations. GameNGen suffers from a limited amount of memory. The model only has access to a little over 3 seconds of history, so it’s remarkable that much of the game logic is persisted for drastically longer time horizons. While some of the game state is persisted through screen pixels (e.g., ammo and health tallies, available weapons, etc.), the model likely learns strong heuristics that allow meaningful generalizations. For example, from the rendered view, the model learns to infer the player’s location, and from the ammo and health tallies, the model might infer whether the player has already been through an area and defeated the enemies there. That said, it’s easy to create situations where this context length is not enough. Continuing to increase the context size with our existing architecture yields only marginal benefits (Section 5.2.1), and the model’s short context length remains an important limitation. The second important limitation is the remaining differences between the agent’s behavior and those of human players. For example, our agent, even at the end of training, still does not explore all of the game’s locations and interactions, leading to erroneous behavior in those cases.