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Found 8 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h German (de)[[File:2407.07858v1.figure.4.png|thumb|none|479x338px|alt=Abbildung 4. RAG-Kontrollpunkte, Herausforderungen und Abhilfemaßnahmen|Abbildung 4. RAG-Kontrollpunkte, Herausforderungen und Abhilfemaßnahmen]]
 h English (en)[[File:2407.07858v1.figure.4.png|thumb|none|700px|alt=Figure 4. RAG control points, challenges, and remediations|Figure 4. RAG control points, challenges, and remediations]]
 h Spanish (es)[[File:2407.07858v1.figure.4.png|thumb|none|479x338px|alt=Figura 4. Puntos de control RAG, desafíos y remedios|Figura 4. Puntos de control RAG, desafíos y remedios]]
 h French (fr)[[File:2407.07858v1.figure.4.png|thumb|none|479x338px|alt=Figure 4. Points de contrôle RAG, défis et remédiations|Figure 4. Points de contrôle RAG, défis et remédiations]]
 h Japanese (ja)[[File:2407.07858v1.figure.4.png|thumb|none|479x338px|alt=図4. RAGの制御ポイント、課題、および改善策|図4. RAGの制御ポイント、課題、および改善策]]
 h Korean (ko)[[File:2407.07858v1.figure.4.png|thumb|none|700px|alt=그림 4. RAG 제어 지점, 도전 과제 및 해결책|그림 4. RAG 제어 지점, 도전 과제 및 해결책]]
 h Portuguese (pt)[[File:2407.07858v1.figure.4.png|thumb|none|479x338px|alt=Figura 4. Pontos de controle RAG, desafios e remediações|Figura 4. Pontos de controle RAG, desafios e remediações]]
 h Chinese (zh)[[File:2407.07858v1.figure.4.png|thumb|none|479x338px|alt=图4. RAG控制点、挑战和补救措施|图4. RAG控制点、挑战和补救措施]]