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Found 3 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)[[File:2408.14837.figure.5.png|center|thumb|900x900px|Figure 5: Model predictions vs. ground truth. Only the last 4 frames of the past observations context are shown.]]
 h Spanish (es)[[File:2408.14837.figure.5.png|center|thumb|900x900px|Figura 5: Predicciones del modelo frente a la referencia. Solo se muestran los últimos 4 fotogramas del contexto de observaciones pasadas.]]
 h Chinese (zh)[[File:2408.14837.figure.5.png|center|thumb|900x900px|图 5:模型预测与地面实况对比。仅显示过去观测上下文的最后 4 帧。]]